Dire Wolf

Dire Wolves are large canine predators found throughout the known world.  Between 20% and 50% larger than common Gray Wolves, Dire Wolves hunt in packs led by a dominant male of as many as 18 individuals.  Large males can weigh as much as 240 lbs, and the average wolf is 160 lbs.  They are exceptional pack hunters, often stalking prey for days to place themselves in the best position to surround and wear-down their victims.  Large packs have been known to take down prey as large as Mastodons or Auroch, and will readily attack Humans if the opportunity presents.

Basic Information


Large canids, some standing 4' at the shoulders and 5' from nose to base of tail.

Genetics and Reproduction

Females will have litters of two to six pups each spring, with the young reaching full size in one year.

Growth Rate & Stages

Young stay with the mother for up to nine months, and males will stay with the pack until the dominant male drives them away.

Ecology and Habitats

Dire Wolves can be found in almost every known environment, from mountains, plains, forests and even some desert environments.  Anywhere there is prey to hunt.

Dietary Needs and Habits

First order carnivores.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Keen eyesight, incredible sense of smell and excellent hearing.
A Dire Wolf