Rodric Arrant

Lord Commander Rodric Arrant

Rodric Arrant is the current Lord Commander of Cavalry for the Dwarven Legions of Thorahl. He is 40-years-old and is a born-and-bred native of City of Thorahl.  His family have served the Earl Blackbeard for generations, and he is a passionate and dedicated defender of the City.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rodric comes from a long line of horsemen in service to the Clan Blackbeard.  The first Arrant to serve was Bernard Arrant, Rodric's great-grandfather.  He was a scout with the Legions, rising to Captain of Scouts.  His son Renard Arrant, was also a Captain of Scouts.  In 175 AF Renard's son Renner became Master of Stables, responsible for all mounts and stoc used by the Legions.  Renner raised Rodric in the Legions, watching the boy grow into manhood amidst the mounts and pack animals used daily in the defense and security of the City.   Rodric joined the Cavalry at 18, rising through the ranks to become Lord Commander at age 37.
Currently Held Titles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
A native speaker of Arian and Dwarvish, and a rough ability with Caldarian.