City of Thorahl

Thorahl is one of six great dwarven city-states located under the mountains of Gorgomoth of the Kingdom of Aria. It was founded nearly 1,000 years ago by the Blackbeard Clan of Dwarves. It is one of the central Gorgomoth cities, and is very closely connected to the cities of men located south and west of its location. It boasts a population of more than 30,000 Dwarves and Gnomes within the City itself, and another 4,500 Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes and Humans living and working in the surrounding farms and villages. It is renowned for its metalwork and textile production, and is completely self-sufficient in its ability to feed its population.   Ruled by a small group of appointed officials of the Clan Blackbeard chosen by the Clan Chief of the Blackbeards, Earl Blackbeard, Thorahl is a busy, prosperous and secure community that has established a level of self-sufficiency that allows it to live without aid or dependance on any outside government or agency.


Mostly Dwarves, and most of those are members of the Clan Blackbeard.  A large community of Gnomes exist on both the southern entrance to the City and the smaller, northern entrance.  The northern entrance also has the largest community of Humans.


Led by the Earl Blackbeard, head of the Clan Blackbeard.  The Earl has several key and very important appointed officials to help him run the large and busy city.


The City is defended by the Dwarven Legions of Thorahl and the significant fortifications at both the southern and northern entrances to the underground city. In peacetime, the southern main gateway to the city is guarded by more than 750 Legionaries and the smaller northern entrance by another 200. In times of war, Thorahl can field a force of Dwarven Legions numbering more than 3,500 Legionaries and another 500 auxillaries.

Industry & Trade

Famous for its textile and metalworking shops, Thorahl also has a great reputation for some of the best food in the world.


Much of the city is located under the mountains of Gorgomoth. What is located underground is lit by large and ingeniously designed oil lamps and the air is continuously cycled through the city by large vents and chimneys built into the mountain itself. Waste and sewage are flushed out through natural springs and water channels and empty into many settling ponds and bogs outside the mountain. There are two primary entrances to the city from the outside, one south and one north, as well as the Great Road connecting Thorahl with the rest of the Dwarven Cities of Gorgomoth.


Areas include the Outer City District, the Citadel of Thorahl, the Entrance Hall of Thorahl and the various neighborhoods and quarters of the City itself.  There are two moderately sized towns on the south slope of the mountains and one on the northern slope.


Located deep under the Gorgomoth mountains, with an entrance on the southern approach and another on the northern. The entire area controlled by Thorahl is more than 1,200 square miles of rugged mountains, fertile valleys, hardwood and alpine forests, and high grassy plains. Most of the City itself is underground, but portions of the population do live aboveground and there are several small towns and villages where farming, industry and the raising of herd animals are carried out.


Since most of the City is underground, fresh air is constantly pumped into the City and stale air is removed.  The normal temperature of the majority of the City is maintained at a cool, dry and very comfortable mild springtime sort (65 degrees).
A view of the Gates of Thorahl at sunset
A view of the great Entrance Hall of the City of Thorahl.
Founding Date
-758 AF
Large city
34,500 total
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization