
Sharhold is the largest city and the seat of power of the Dalshar Clan.  It is an ancient settlement that has seen continuous occupation for nearly 1,600 years.  With a population currently at just over 9,000 souls, it is a coastal city that dominates a narrow and shallow harbor created by the mouth of a small river.


Nearly all Human, with less than 200 Halflings and Gnomes living within the city.


Ruled by the Ryuri of the Dalshar Clan, Bran Dalshar from the ancient fortress of Dunshar.


The city of Sharhold has walls and towers that date back many years, and some are hundreds of years old.  The walls in some sections of the city have collapsed completely, and only the seas-side walls and towers are actually functional.  Walls to the north of the city have fallen into such a state of ruin as to be almost nonexistent.  The only two functional gates are the Old Gate to the south and the Sea Gate to the east, neither of which actually function as gates anymore but are simply used as barracks and guard houses for the Ryuri's House Guard.   The House Guard is a large body of well armed, well trained and highly motivated professional soldiers utterly loyal to the Ryuri and his family.  Numbering more than 400 men, the House Guard act as bodyguards, city watch and messengers for the Ryuri and his staff.

Industry & Trade

Sharhold has a busy sea trade all year long, with hundreds of ships coming and going along both sea and river routes.  A booming and profitable harvest of the seas can also be found here with huge amounts of cod, crab, lobster, herring and shark harvested.  The hunting of whales, Leviathan and Giant Kraken is also conducted here.  And, of course, there is a brisk and insanely profitable slave trade within the city that sees as many as 4,000 Humans bought and sold every year.
A view of Sharhold as seen looking south along the coast, with the Sharhome fortress in the foreground.
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization