Sword and Flagon Inn

The Sword and Flagon Inn is a popular and very busy inn and tavern located in the City of Dunrick just off of the Market Green. It is a large four-story building that offers rooms, meals, supplies, baths and other services to travellers, traders and adventurers. It is owned by Nan Bower, a wealthy former adventurer from Dunlowe.

Purpose / Function

Providing rooms, meals, supplies and services to travellers, traders and adventurers working throughout the Barony.


The ground floor of the Inn is made up of thick stone walls, narrow doorways and no actual windows.  This was all that was left of the original building when Nan bought the property in 211 AF.  This floor is today the common room, kitchen and a small apartment where healing and/or surgical assistance can be given.  The two floors above are rooms for guests and residents of the Inn, with the staff living within the Inn living on the fourth floor.  There are several cellars under this ground floor that currently keep casks of beer, wine and supplies for the Inn's kitchen, as well as two bathrooms where large copper baths can be filled and heated for guests.


The first floor is entire framed in 3' thick stone walls with only a few narrow doorways giving access to the building.  All of these doors are built of thick oak beams banded in iron.  All windows above can be shuttered with oak and the roof is slate tile for fireproofing.


When Nan Bower bought the property 22 years ago, only the first story of the original structure remained.  The rest had been destroyed during the The Second Great Orc War 60 years earlier, and what remained was being used as a storehouse and stables.  Nan spent a large amount of money and two full years having the structure built exactly to her specifications.  The results of her vision and hard work speak for themselves.
The Sword and Flagon Inn at the west end of Market Green
Parent Location