City of Dunrick

The City of Dunrick is barely that: a city. With less than 6,000 souls living within the town walls, it is really a large town. It is located near a navigable tributary of the Manisar River, and is connected to that river with a crude canal.   The City is the seat of the Barony of Dunrick, and is ruled by the Baron of Dunrick, Gill am Borri. The city is busy, but poorly maintained. The city walls and gates have been neglected for years, the roads and streets are rough with missing cobbles and deep ruts. The population is growing, however, in spite of these shortcomings. The Baron is a popular leader, and has proven himself to be a hard-working and conscientious leader to his neighbors in the city.  Taxes are low, work is plentiful and wages are (relatively) high.  The populous can visibly see the improvements being made to the city's infrastructure and defenses, and they take great collective comfort in that fact.


95% Human


Ruled in the name of the High King by the Baron, Gill am Borri.  Administered daily by a Mayor, with the aid of a Guard Commander and a City Council.


The city is walled, but much of the walls are old and quite neglected. Some sections still show visible damage caused by the Great Orc War of more than 80 years earlier. Improvements are being made, and all three gates of the city are now functionally complete and fully manned. There are strill many towers and turrets that are being improved, and two sections of walls are being butressed to improve strength against rams and missile attacks.  The City Guard is a full Company of Foot and a short Company of Lancers. The city gates close at sunset and two-man patrols walk the walls and streets until sunrise. Lancers patrol the roads for ten miles in all directions throughout the day in three-horse troops.

Industry & Trade

The city of Dunrick has a thriving trade industry.  So much of what the Barony needs has to be brought in from elsewhere, so freight and barge traffic is a booming business in the city.  Timber, stone, tile, cereals, fabric, nearly all luxury goods, and all iron and steel implements have to come from somewhere else.


Can only be described as lacking. Roads are rough and unpaved, most new construction is wood and turf rather than stone, and the land is not ideal for cereal crop production, meaning any interuption of road traffic has a direct impact on the foods avaialbe for residents day-to-day.


Dunrick is on the edge of the steppe.  The hills are covered with thick heather and scrub oaks, the soil is stony and poorly drained, and there are few sources of fuel other than peat.

Natural Resources

There are a series of hills and rock outcrops between the city of Dunrick and the city of Wessridge, and the Baron has been assured that these hills are full of tin.
View of the walls of Dunrick
A scene of the Summer Fair at Market Green
Reconstruction of a section of city wall paid for by the Baron
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization