The Braden's Chase Dragon

In the late summer of 219 AF, in the Ward of Elisar at the western edge of the forest called Braden's Chase, a logging camp was attacked by a large Forest Dragon that had been disturbed by the activity near its den.   The camp was working a stand of very old and unique ancient oaks that surrounded a shallow stream valley.  The loggers were led by the company owner, a Halfling male named Jacky Hunter.  Jacky was newly married to a Halfling named Pleasance Woodard who was also at the camp that morning, helping to prepare the midday meal for the crew.   As the axes and saws began their songs amidst the ancient trees, the dragon charged out of the thick woods and immediately began mauling and killing anyone it could reach.  Jacky Hunter was one of the first to confront the beast in an attempt to buy his crew time to gather their weapons, armed only with a billhook and his belt knife.  Jacky stood between the bulk of his crew and the dragon, with another Halfling a few paces behind him brandishing an iron-tipped pole used to move and position logs once they were on the ground.  As the dragon rushed at the two Halflings, the rest of the crew gathered their more traditional weapons and rushed to aid the leader, including his wife, Pleasance.   Pleasance had grabbed a 6' spear with a razor-sharp 7" bladed tip (usually the preferred weapon against bears and boars), and was rushing to help her fellows but tripped and fell face-first into the bark and twig covered work area.  Just as she fell, the dragon spewed a wave of noxious, nauseating vomit and bile out of its mouth and into the onrushing group of Halflings in front of her.  All went down to their hands and knees, clawing and scratching at their faces where the awful fluid had come in contact with their skin, eyes or mouths.  None seemed to have gotten on her, so she jumped up and continued to the fight with her long spear.  As she approached the dragon, she could she the beast had a Halfling crushed under its foreleg, and that its mouth was being held open in mid-roar by another Halfling's canthook.  Without thinking or pause, Pleasance continued her charge, bringing the spear up and into the dragon's open mouth with all her speed and weight behind it.  The razor tip pierced the inside of the dragon's gaping maw, travelled up into the dragon's head just behind the eyes, and with the last ounce of strength she could muster, she pushed the spear point right out of the top of the dragon's skull.  The dragon reared back, pulling the spear out of the hands of Pleasance, flopped onto its back, and noisily expired in huge gouts of blood, gore and vile-smelling vomit.   Pleasance found her new husband dead under the legs of the dragon, and 11 of her fellows dead or dying from the beast's poisonous spew, their flesh literally melting off their skulls in noxious drops.
Conflict Type