The Rectory

The Rectory is the home of the Grand Ecclesiast of the High Kingdom of Imesse, Jem Baker.  It is located on the grounds of the Grand Temple at Northridge.   The Rectory was intended to be a place of rest, residence and reflection for the priests, high priests and novices of the Pantheon of Heaven clergy that live and work at the Grand Temple.  Over the course of the last ten years, however, it has become the near palatial home of the Grand Ecclesiast himself.

Purpose / Function

Originally designed to keep and house up to 25 priests or novices, with a kitchen, larder and a small stable.  Later, redesigned to be the oppulent home of the Grand Ecclesiast, Jem Baker.


Currently, the only resident of the Rectory is Jem Baker.  The other priests and novices of the Temple reside in a dormitory located to the west of the Rectory, only taking their meals in the Rectory kitchen.  There are seven novices, four priests and one high priest assigned to the Grand Temple, and now calling the rough, wooden dormitory their home.

Contents & Furnishings

The Rectory is richly furnished with carved chairs, cushioned couches and acres of carpets and rugs.  It is panelled in dark hardwoods and floored in fine, clear pine boards.  All the windows are glazed and shuttered, and there are more than a dozen hearths within the building.


There is significant wealth to be found in almost any room of the Rectory, from gilt furniture to silver spoons and gold drinking cups.  Even the chamber pot in the main hall is solid silver and is polished every day by servants.  There are two cellars under the main hall, however, where the real wealth is.  In the smaller of these cellars are two iron-bound chests containing the wealth of the Temple, which the Ecclesiast feels is his to do with as he pleases.  These chests contain the votive offerings to the gods from the local faithful, and contain more than 40,000 guilders in coin and bullion.


The building was built as a large, long building with to perpendicular wings at each end that created a sort of courtyard bewteen them.  The wing on the left side of the courtyard is the main entrance, and it is here that Jem has placed his entry hall, reception room, and his official solar.  This wing connects to the main building, which has the great room, the dining hall, and the main living quarters of the Ecclesiast himself, as well as a stairwell to four large suits on the second floor.  The wing to the right of the courtyard is the kitchen, pantry and store rooms, but it is still unfinished, and only the kitchen and cellars below it are funcitonal rooms.
A view of the entryway of the Rectory
The Ecclesiast's Solar of the Rectory
Alternative Names
Jem's House
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization