Jem Baker

His Serene Holiness, Jem Baker

Jem Baker is the Grand Ecclesiast of the Pantheon of Heaven faith in Northridge, and the ranking clergyman in the High Kingdom of Imesse.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jem was born to a minor noble family that had gained some power and authority in the area of Northridge over the last 60 years. He is the youngest son of four, and his family saw no prospects for him outside of a career in the faith. Thus, he took his vows at the age of 19 and has been a member of the Faith Clerical ever since.


All his formal education has been through the Faith.  He can read, write and keep sums adequately, and even holds a basic understanding of other languages.

Accomplishments & Achievements

At time of the founding of the High Kingdom, Jem was 41 years old and still a simple priest.  With the return of the Court to Northridge in 208 AF, Jem saw a means by which he could further his position and standing.  He has moved up the ranks of the clergy ever since, and now holds the chief clerical office in the northern Realm.

Personality Characteristics


Ambitious, greedy and utterly self-serving.  He has lost what little charity and generosity he ever had years ago, and now works tirelessly to put himself into higher and more influential positions both within the Faith and within the Government.

Vices & Personality flaws

Jem is a master manipulator and has demonstrated this at every opportunity over the last several decades.


Contacts & Relations

Jem has a close relationship with Turl am Nari, the Duke of Hekmo, but the two men do not like or trust each other.  He has a particular dislike for his counterpart in Lesser Imesse, the Grand Ecclesiast Piers Barret, whom he sees as a real threat to his success, authority and influence, and who sees him as the lying, conniving, ruthless man determined to get what he wants.

Family Ties

Jem has family in the region, and some have even risen to positions of authority, but all seem to shun Jem in his current role.  Jem has betrayed and lied to all his family and relations over the years, and none trust him.

Religious Views

Jem understands the tenets of the Faith, and he fully knows what is expected of him as a Grand Ecclesiast, but he has no conviction or real belief in them.  He sees the Faith and his position in it as a means to an end, and nothing more.

Social Aptitude

Can be charming when inclined, and has a good eye for reading people and their moods.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
His Serene Holiness,
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Caldarian, and a rudimentary undnerstanding of Arian