Tower Hall

Tower Hall is the primary and official residence of the Warden of Jemptal and his staff.  It is a large and sprawling complex of walls, buildings, courtyards and a great square keep standing 70' tall a its peak.   The Tower Hall is located on the waterfront in the oldest section of the Upriver District, about a quarter of a mile from the King's Gate.

Purpose / Function

One of the first fortified buildings built in the city more than 300 years ago, it is now the primary and official residence and office of the Warden of Jemptal.


The center of the Tower Hall complex is the Keep itself.  It is a six story building, roughly 60' square at its base.  It is surrounded by 14 adjoining buildings and ringed by a stone wall 22' tall and 10' wide, with towers at each corner.  On the 250' section of the Hall that abutts the riverfront, there are 80' of quay and several buildings that face the river with stout stone walls and very small windows (or none at all).


Entrance to the Tower Hall complex is through a gatehouse that has a 18' wide and 12' high gate and portcullis facing the city, and a 12' wide and 12' tall gate facing the river at the Water Tower.


The Tower Hall is very, very busy.  90 Scouts are barracked here, and more than 60 people work here every day.  There are three fully functional and very busy kitchens, a smithy, a stable and 80' of functional and operational riverfront that sees traffic at all hours of the day and night.  It is also the primary residence of the Warden and his family and household staff, bring the number of people living and working here daily to 175.


In a number of large iron strong boxes high in the keep or deep in buried vaults are the cash reserves of the entire Ward, amounting to just over 100,000 guilders in coin and another 1,500 lbs of bullion gold and silver.  This does NOT include the personal wealth and belongings of the Warden and his family.


The original building was simply a square keep roughly 50' tall, but over the last several centuries, it has been added to many, many times.


Mortared cut stone makes up the bulk of the material on the exterior of the Hall, with finer and newer material used in the interior sections.  Roof is slate and lead sheet.


A company of Scouts is assigned to guard the Hall and protect the Warden.
A view of the Tower Hall, with the Regent's Palace (formerly Royal Palace) in the background
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank