Regent's Palace

The Regent's Palace is the residence and work place of the Lord High Regent of Cobal.  It is a large and sprawling castle on the crest of a low hill in the middle of the City of Jemptal.  Its most distinctive feature is the Great Tower, which overlooks the Caldar River and much of the city.   The castle is laid out on a gentle slope of a broad hill.  The Outer Baliey is accessed through a gate located on the western side of the castle, while the Inner Bailey is accessed through a gate on the eastern end of the bailey wall.  Inside the Inner Bailey is the Great Keep, a large square tower 60' by 80' and standing 60' tall.  The Palace is heavily guarded, with five companies of soldiers manning the gates, walls and towers.

Purpose / Function

The residence and working offices of the Lord High Regent of Cobal.


The Regent's Palace has had improvements and additions made to its initial design over the last 100 years, but it is still first and foremost a castle built with defense in mind.


Built of cut granite block, the walls and towers have a tan-to-gray color and are exceptionally well constructed.  All nine of the towers in the outer wall are built on solid bedrock foundations, as are all three gatehouses.


There are three large gate houses giving access to the various sections of the castle: the Outer Bailey gate (called the Storms Gate), the Inner Bailey gate (called the Gray Gate) and the Small Gate, which is located at the foot of the hill and the start of the uphill approach to the Storms Gate.   There is a full Company of Dwarven Legionaries that are tasked with guarding the gates.  Two more Companies of Scouts man the Outer Bailey walls and towers.  Two Companies of Rangers man the Inner Bailey walls and towers, and a full Company of Dragoons are stationed within the Inner Bailey to guard the Keep.
Approach to the Great Tower of the Regent's Palace on Gate Street
Alternative Names
Royal Palace
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank