Town of Pottston

The Town of Pottston is a small but busy town of 1,200 souls.  It is the administrative seat of the Shire of Pottston as well as its largest community.  The town is located about half a mile from the bank of the Caldar River and is connected to the river by two stone-lined canals, called the East Canal and the Old Canal.  The town is walled with well-built stone walls standing 18' tall and 6' thick, with round stone towers and two large gatehouses.  There are large iron portcullises that are lowered into the canals every evening to secure the town from entry, each anchoring into the canal beds two fathoms below the surface.


Mostly Halflings, with the Human population numbering only 300.


Daily administration is handled by the Town Alderman, Avis Digby and issues of defense, security and law enforcement are handled by the Sheriff, Stanlin Turner.


Walls, gates are area patrols are conducted by a Scout Company hand-picked by the Sheriff himself.

Industry & Trade

Primarily focused on pottery and ceramic production, with several brickmakers operating just outside of the town walls.  The town has several busy docks along the canals and operate warfs and quays along the riverbank of the Caldar.


Paved streets, stout walls, stone-lined canals, public fountains and wells, and homes built of stone and timber-framed construction.
A view of the East Canal as seen from the Town of Pottston wall.
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization