Vytu Palace

Vytu Palace (commonly called Elfhome) is a large complex of buildings on the Beldoah waterfront owned and occupied exclusively by the legation from Naru.  This is the primary embassy of Naru to Imesse, and it is arguably the most guarded area of the entire Barony of Beldoah.  Within its high walls 189 Elves live full-time.  The Palace was built specifically for this legation about 70 years earlier at great expense and entirely paid for by the Autarch of Naru.

Purpose / Function

A sprawling complex of residences, apartments and shops built for a legation of Elves from Naru.


Built of finished limestone and faced in white granite, the complext covers nearly ten acres of riverfront property and has walls that reach heights of 50'.  There is a single gatehouse, the Great Gate, and it has towers that are 65' tall and an entrance that is 30' wide and 45' tall.  These walls encompass a square that is planted with many beds of flowers, trees and shrubs, with paths of gravel and stone weaving among them.
The Great Gate of the Vytu Palace, looking towards the Caldar River.
Founding Date
169 AF
Alternative Names
Parent Location