City of Beldoah


19,000 total, with 12,900 Humans, 5,200 Halflings and 1,900 Dwarves and Gnomes


Beldoah is ruled by the Baron directly, but the Baron does delegate much daily operational authority to the Mayor of Beldoah, Avis Flowers.


The city had an impressive series of city walls and towers in generations past, but as Beldoah hasn't seen any actual fighting in or near the city in more than 100 years, these defenses have been allowed to fall into decline.  The city does have four full companies of cavalry, four companies of men-at-arms, and a fleet of armed riverboats numbering 11 hulls.

Guilds and Factions

There is a Vytuian legation of 189 Elves that live in the city year-round. They live in a large palace near the river, and it is guarded by as many as an entire Company of the Baron's men-at-arms... more to keep the Elves away from the public than the other way around.


Beldoah is an old city.  It has existed on the east bank of the Caldar River for more than 300 years, and many of its structures reflect that age.  Many have foundations and lower stories that are distinctly older than their upper floors, having been added to or rebuilt many times over.

Points of interest

Elfhome Palace  is a large, sprawling complex of towers, walls and homes that covers nearly two acres of riverside real-estate. It is the permanent residence of the legation from the Kingdom of Naru, and it is one of the most guarded buildings in the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse. Within the palace walls there are 189 Elves representing the interests of the Autarch of Naru within the Kingdoms.
View of the Beldoah riverfront at night
Included Locations
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization