Kel'a Bron

His Serene Majesty, Autarch Kel'a Bron

Kel'a Bron has reigned as Autarch of Naru for 126 years. He is widely considered the most powerful Elf in Thrae. He is immensely strong, his martial skills are without match and his knowledge of magic and arcana have been honed to an immeasurable degree.   He has vowed to follow in his father's efforts to make right the wrongs done by his people against Halflings and Gnomes for centuries: slavery and genocide. His entire reign has been dedicated to eliminating past prejudices against the "little people".

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin and lithe, but strong in a way that is almost unbelievable to other races.

Facial Features

Long, dark blonde hair that hangs to the middle of his back. Pale blue eyes, long thin pointed ears, an unsmiling mouth.  No visible scars or blemishes to be seen.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kel'a Bron has been “King of Elves and all of Naru” for 126 years. He took the throne when his father Kel'a Thron was killed in a battle with an invading Orc army and he has made sure the process his father had started in ending the slavery of Gnomes and Halflings was completed across his Kingdom. He is ancient, strong, incredibly intelligent, often cold, always urbane and he has extensive knowledge of magic and its uses. He is so old that even when he speaks Common with foreigners, he does so in a manner so archaic that it can sometimes be hard for people unused to speaking with him to understand him all the time. He has referred to himself in the plural (nosism) for more than a thousand years, and that is a practice that very few still use in the world.

Personality Characteristics


Driven by a deep personal need to succeed where many feel his father, Kel'a Thron failed. He is passionate about making right the wrongs done by his people to the Gnomes and Halflings during the centuries of persecution Elves visited on those races. He is also nearly obsessed with eliminating the threat of Orcs where ever it might present. His father died at a (relatively) young age fighting an invading army of orcs more than a century earlier, and Kel'a Bron will go to any length to kill as many orcs as he can during his reign as Autarch. He has twice mustered the might of Naru to march the Elven armies to fight alongside Humans and Dwarves in their wars against Orcs, and would do so again... gladly.



Autarch since 107 AF

Contacts & Relations

Very close to the Archon of Taesirion, the city of his birth.


Habitually uses nosism (referring to himself in the plural) when speaking in the Common tongue.  His archaic vocabulary is sometimes difficult for other races to understand.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Elves and All Naru, Autarch of Vytu
Currently Held Titles
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations