Warehouse Inn

The Warehouse Inn is a large inn located just a few hundred paces inside the High Gate of the Town of Belmar. It is a large building with multiple stories that offers rooms, meals, baths and supplies to travellers and locals alike, and as it's name implies it was once a large warehouse for river traffic trade items.   The inn is owned and operated by Millie Cotton, a 36-year-old Halfling female that came into posession of the building through a lucky night's gambling. This simple fact sheds much light on one of the reasons for the establishment's popularity: gambling. The Warehouse offers several tables where patrons can win (or, often as not, lose) at dice, tiles or cards. All tables are fronted by the "house" so the vast majority of any profits reaped at these tables are collected by Millie, and by Millie alone.

Purpose / Function

Originally built as a warehouse for river traffic, the building has become a large, rather rambling series of rooms and corridors.  The main common area is the large first floor of the building, with two smaller rooms divided off of it by stone walls making up the kitchen and pantry of the inn.  The three floors above it are all guest
Street view of the Warehouse Inn and Wall Street of the Town of Belmar
Parent Location