Town of Belmar

The Town of Belmar is a small, walled town on the banks of the Rolar River in the Ward of Rolar, Government. It is located 15 miles north of the City of Rolar at the point where the Dunwash River meets the Rolar River.   The area within the walls of the town is roughly 30 acres. The walls themselves are 20' wide and 30' tall with six towers and three gatehouses along its length. The western side of the town is entirely river front. Two large round towers, 90' at the base and 70' tall, defend the waterfront at both points where the walls reach the river, and there is another tower located at the middle of the riverfront (60' square and 60' high) called the River Keep. The northeast gatehouse is called the High Gate and its road leads out into a neighborhood that has grown up outside the walls called "Bogside", although the bog it refers to has long since been drained and there are many nice, country homes here. The East Gate is the largest gatehouse, and it is the primary defensive building of the town, quartering the Town Guard and the Wall Watch. It has two large bastian towers and a gatehouse between them. The southern gate is called the Old Gate, as this was the first gate constructed nearly 100 years ago. The towers are well maintained, but smaller than the others and with peaked wooden roofs rather than the flat tops of the other towers.   There are four inns at Belmar. The largest is the The Lantern House just inside the Old Gate. The next largest is the Warehouse Inn, located 500 feet west of the High Gate. The third inn (and last) inn located within the town walls is the Belmar Inn, just inside the East Gate. The last inn at Belmar is located just outside the High Gate on the High Road and is called the Bogside Inn.   At the east end of Bogside is the Belmar Holy House, where there resides a community of Druidic priestesses dedicated to Beltrae and Abhainae. There is a temple to the Pantheon of Heaven on Keep Street. In the middle of the town is a large market square with many small stalls and tents set up vending goods and food.


Primarily Halflings and Humans, small number of Dwarves and Gnomes
  The Town of Belmar, with a view of the Lantern House and the Old Gate
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization