Missing Daughter Plot in Thylea | World Anvil
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Missing Daughter

The farmer Thericles of Estoria has requested aid in finding his missing daughter, Corinna. He explains that she makes frequent trips to The Oldwoods, but he is rarely afraid for her safety as she is quite capable on her own; however, this time, she has been gone for a much more extended period, and fears for her now. He gives a quick description of her and sends the heroes on their way.
  After making their way into The Oldwoods, following a trail, presumably leading to the thief of the Horn of Balmythria, the Chosen are surprised by a young girl bursting into a clearing, being assailed by a number of Goatling. The creatures are dispatched, and it's confirmed that she is the young girl they're looking for. Before they can bring her back to the city, she begs them to continue further into the woods to The Mossy Temple in order to save a number of kids that have been lured or kidnapped there.
  The party is able to save Corinna, and most of the lost teenagers from the clutches of the temple and brings them back to Estoria. Delivering her to her father, the group receives a Javelin of Lightning as a reward.


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