Session 006: To the Mossy Temple Report in Thylea | World Anvil
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Session 006: To the Mossy Temple

General Summary

Date: Pythion the 9th   The heroes find themselves in the The Dragon's Tooth inn within Estoria, faced with the daunting task of saving the king's daughter from ritual sacrifice. Some ideas are thrown around, and Acacius tries his hand at Twenty Squares before Kyrah suggests they look for more information in the form of a famous historian in town named Aesop who resides over The Dragon Shrine. Hybris makes a dramatic entrance by forcefully throwing open the large bronze doors of the temple, surprising the attendants inside. The heroes are greeted by Aesop, the chief attendant of the shrine. He bears bad news and tells the group that the horn they seek has recently been stolen from the temple, but invites them to investigate the area. A trail of spilled wine and goat hoof tracks is found which leads out of the city towards the south.   Ianthe asks Aesop for information on basilisks, trying to uncover the connection they have with the town's current situation. He recalls some lore about the unique variety of these creatures that populates Thylea. They are unique in that they have evolved over the years to become pack hunters, contrary to the lone-wolf style of existence that basilisks usually demonstrate. He recounts their uses and what sort of environment they live in as well. As the party begins to turn and leave, he requests that they visit a local vineyard where a man named Thericles lives. Aesop says that his daughter has been missing for a length of time. The heroes accept and promptly head that way. Speaking with the farmer, they learn that his daughter, Corinna, frequently visits the surrounding countryside to be closer to nature, and while he is usually confident enough in her abilities to let her go alone, she's been gone for an extended period of time and is becoming increasingly worried. The group says that they will look for her in the The Oldwoods.   The trail leading out of the city heads deep into the hills south of Estoria and appears to be heading towards The Oldwoods. As the group follows the tracks, they notice that more and more humanoid footsteps begin to mingle with the cloven prints until it looks as if a whole caravan had walked through the area. They walk till the sun begins to set and decide to set up camp. There's a lot of heated discussion about what to do next, but a consensus is met: The group will head further along this path for another day but will be forced to return to the city if it doesn't become fruitful.   Date: Pythion the 10th   The Heroes of Prophecy continue their trek, and, after almost another full day's travel, are beginning to feel as though they will need to turn back in order to deal with the sacrifice before time is up; however, just before they do, they hear a crashing sound on the other side of a clearing. Suddenly, a teenage girl, bearing a strong resemblance to the description of Corinna, is running towards them, chased by a half-dozen Goatlings. The party rushes to her aid, intimidating the fey with their heroic prowess. Many insults are thrown back and forth as the groups battle, but it comes to a climax as Ianthe blows a number of the creatures away with a well-placed shatter spell.   The party questions Corinna, and she begs them to head further into the forest, back where she's come from, to save more children just like her who are being held captive in an old temple. It's located a few more hours into the The Oldwoods, but the party agrees and follows her lead. Eventually, they come to an area that radiates natural energy and has a deep connection to the surrounding woods. The heroes discover a circle of standing stones near the temple, where it seems the natural energy around them is being focused upon. Sitting atop one of the pillars is a small squirrel who begins to throw acorns at various members of the group. Doriana retaliates and makes a well-placed shot as it tries to jump between stones, and, as it lands, it transforms into an elderly male gnome. He seems to have taken on the mental attributes and compacity of an actual squirrel, and is unable to communicate in an intelligible way. As the group turns to leave, he transforms back into the small creature and perches atop Doriana's shoulder.   Heading closer to the temple, the party is attacked by roots that seem to have been animated by some sort of magic. They are more of a nuisance than anything, but they are repeatedly harried by the plants as the party heads into the ruined temple. Doriana spots an ancient bronze shield depicting the symbol of the the Dragonlords, as well as scenes of a man cutting down 6-armed giants. She identifies him as Estor Arkelander, one of the original Dragonlords. The heroes head into a room dominated by a large statue of Sydon holding a mirror. This mirror bounces light, let in from the broken ceiling, down into a small hole in the floor. Before heading further, the group questions Corinna again, this time more harshly, not as trusting as before given her silence on the traps within the temple. She recounts her abduction and time in the caves below the temple and says there is a set of stairs on the other side of a pool, the next room over.   The pool in question is an ancient bathhouse, long succumbed to the takeover of the natural surroundings. The water is extremely dark and murky. Doriana clears a portion of the water and witnesses a shape moving along the bottom of the pool. She attempts to electrocute the water with her witch bolt, uncertain of its effect. Acacius warns her that she just alerted whatever was down there, and, sure enough, as they are conversing, a large gray ooze trudges out of the much and attacks Doriana. It stings with acid whenever contact is made, and Aurelia gets a few handfuls of it as she punches the creature repeatedly. Ianthe puts the creature to sleep and Acacius finishes it off with his snake hair. The group agrees to avoid the water and tries to tip-toe around the edge of the cistern. Unfortunately, Hybris is unable to keep their footing and plunges into the foul water. They thrash around momentarily and attempt to swim to the other side. As they're about to make it out, another ooze strikes them from underwater. Hybris is able to retaliate and is dragged out by Aura. Ianthe lands the killing blow with a shrill note from her Aulos, and any immediate threat is eliminated.

Rewards Granted

Damaged Dragonlord's Shield
The measure of a hero is one's ability to protect those that we care about most. The new Dragonlords cannot merely be warriors with might weapons... they must also be willing to make great sacrifices for the future of Thylea.


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