Session 009: Running out of Time Report in Thylea | World Anvil
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Session 009: Running out of Time

General Summary

Date: Pythion 12th
  As the Chosen Heroes make their way back to The City of Estoria, Loreus makes many attempts to cheer up Ianthe after her recent tribulations. Corinna rejoins her friends with a few missing members, and the journey back to the city is relatively uneventful.
  Once back, there is a hustle and bustle about the evening air as it seems as though a caravan of sorts had come into town. There were many people, mostly fey in nature, setting up decorations, booths, and preparing for an event of some kind. One packed to the brim with wine and booze, as evidenced by the scuffle that took place partway into town. A man was seen arguing with a satyr and attempted to take the crate of decorations from him. During the confrontation, the man stumbled back and knocked into a wagon of wine barrels which became loose and began tumbling through the streets down toward the group. Hybris quickly rips an adjacent cart out of the hands of a minotaur and attempts to use it as a shield against the oncoming barrels. He is assisted by Dorianna who uses her magic to manipulate a small wall of water, cushioning the blow. Ianthe narrowly pulls Loreus to safety, and Acacius and Aura attempt to gracefully stride atop the barrels as they make their way down the cobbled road. Acacius succeeds and lands near where the conflict began, but Aura only makes it across a few barrels before slipping and being crushed between and under many heavy casks of wine.
  Acacius doffs his hood in order to display his gallantry, but instead scares off all immediate passersby, including the owner of the wine cart. The rogue chases the man through the streets and is able to catch up to him, inadvertently causing the man to pass out from fear. He hoists the satyr to his shoulder and carries him back to the group so they can get some appreciation out of the man. He promises to give them excellent discounted rates during the festival when they visit his booth.
  The Heroes make their way to the north of town to meet with Thericles and see that his daughter is returned safely. He and his husband are thrilled to have their child back and reward the group with a nice meal, the promise to deliver the rest of the children to their respective families, and a champion's reward in the way of a Javelin of Lightning. After the meal, the group decides to head to the Rock of Estor in order to watch over one of the sacrifices and gain some valuable intelligence.
  The Rock and its sacrifices, as of late, have been guarded by members of The Order of Sydon, who haven't been allowing any of the townsfolk to watch the events unfold. Acacius sneaks onto a nearby hillside to get a view. It takes multiple hours for anything to happen, but eventually, he spots two shapes moving through the river from the north. They surface at the rock and he identifies them as two Basilisks. They petrify the oxen atop the rock and feast on their stony hide for some time before splitting the remainder of the creature and swimming off with the rest of the meal back north. The party heads to The Dragon's Tooth to discuss and plan.
  Date: Pythion 13th
  The heroes wake to the sounds of knocking at either door, at which stands a Siren with a messenger bag, delivering letters to Acacius and Ianthe. The group talks about what to do for a bit and decides to hit some shops around town to gear up for what may come. They visit Volkan's forge and speak with the cranky old man. He begrudgingly replaces Dorianna's tattered armor with a new set of studded leather, says he can help repair the damaged Dragonlord shield and agrees to fashion a standard shield to have a mirrored surface.
  Next, they inquire around town about a shop that would have potions or magic goods and are directed to The Third Wish, a curio shop run by a female centaur. They do some haggling and end up selling a majority of the mushrooms they harvested within The Mossy Temple in order to pay for some potions of healing and water breathing potions.
  Onward, they head to the chambers of Princess Anora with the goal of telling their plans in order to keep her in the loop; however, as the heroes enter, they assault the distraught woman with wild promises and jumbled schemes leaving her confused and worried for the safety of her and her city. Ianthe attempts to rescue her by singing their true plan of action which comforts her slightly.
  The group travels to The Dragon Shrine in order to return the Horn to Aesop and get some insights on the vision they received after drinking from it. He gives a theory of them being aboard the Ultros carrying a magical compass device. He leads the party to a back hall where many statues stand, depicting members of the original Order of the Dragonlords. He tells a bit about their backstory and how the First War began. Kyrah looks incredibly distraught during his tales.
  The Chosen make their way back to The Dragon's Tooth for some revelry and bonding.

Rewards Granted

  • Javelin of lightning
  • Mirrored shield
  • 2x Potion of Healing
  • 2x Potion of Waterbreathing
  • 60 drachmae

Missions/Quests Completed

The Missing Daughter


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