Session 008: The Battle for the Horn Report in Thylea | World Anvil
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Session 008: The Battle for the Horn

General Summary

Date: Pythion 10th
  The heroes find themselves face-to-face with a grotesque monster. It has the face of a many-tusked boar, wings, cloven hooves, and giant clawed hands. It's a brutal back-and-forth between the groups. The pig beast summons wave after wave of Goatlings to aid him, all the while trying to charm the girls around the feasting table to dine on the flesh of their once upon a time partners in order to transform them into Maenads.
  The party meets the challenge head-on. Hybris faces down the beast to keep it occupied while Aurelia deals with the multiple Goatlings that are trying to ambush them from adjacent rooms. Ianthe and Doriana provide ranged support, and with the help of Loreus, manage to get a majority of the girls out of the room and into the safety of the corridor. Acacius moves swiftly across the battlefield, harassing the beast-man as well as taking out a few Goatling men himself. The pig beast complicates things by periodically putting the group under various magic effects, some of which turn them on their allies.
  Toward the end of the fight, the beast is able to coerce the last of the girls into consuming the dinner in front of her, and the party watches helplessly as she is transfigured into the evil fey form of a Maenad. She traps Acacius in a mesmerizing dance, but it has little effect as he's still able to charge at her, ending the dance. The fight quickly gets more brutal as he picks up the woman, spins around, and flings her at the beast-man. She gets impaled on his tusks, and he proceeds to rip her off and fling her into a nearby wall. Following that, Hybris is able to land the killing blow to the beast by taking off its head while it has its arm stuck in the dining table. With the biggest threat gone, Ianthe heads over to the Maenad and tries her best to end her life as humanely as possible.
  With the creatures of The Mossy Temple defeated, the party makes their way out to the glade to regroup. Acacius hangs back and checks out the final room of the complex which happens to be a bedchamber of sorts. There is a large trunk at the foot of the bed, but he is unable to pick the lock after a few attempts. He instead resigns to dragging it out and handing it over to Hybris for a more straightforward approach. There is an assortment of gems and jewelry within, as well as a gruesome ritual tome bound in human skin, outlining the process of turning young women into Maenads. The group opts to leave the tome within the glade and heads to the surface for a night of rest.
  Date: Pythion 11th
  In the morning, the large group of Heroes, children, and various companions wake to a forest bounty feast prepared by Kyrah. After everyone eats and prepares for the day's journey, the Chosen decide to drink from their newly acquired horn in order to complete the first Labor. They take turns drinking wine summoned to it by Dorianna, and, one after the other, fall unconscious into a deep sleep. Each member of the group shares the same dream as they stand alone on a ship in the middle of the ocean:
You are standing on the deck of a beautiful galley. A bright cerulean sea stretches out before you. You look down at a strange bronze device in your hands. It seems to reflect the constellations of the night sky, even though the sun shines brightly overhead. The oarsmen pull the ship through the water faster than you thought possible. You look down at the men on the benches. They meet your gaze with dead eyes and skeletal faces—dozens of leering corpses. You are startled awake.

  The heroes wake to find that 8 hours have passed since they fell, and Kyrah was attempting to build a large house of cards atop Aurelia. They all realize that they shared the same vision and ponder over what it could mean. Without a way to get answers, they begin the trek back to The City of Estoria.
  In the evening, a few hours before it's time to set up camp, dark clouds begin to gather overhead, and a Silver Dragon is seen streaking through the sky. A voice booms out, “Give up your quest and prostrate yourselves before the power of Sydon.” His voice abruptly changes to something far deeper and inhuman, “You meddle with forces beyond your comprehension.” Suddenly, a band of bloodthirsty Centaurs thunders toward the group, weapons ready.
  The Centaurs are met head-on by Hybris who lets out a mighty roar, stopping one of them in its tracks in fear. The other, however, rushes forward and charges the Leonin, dealing a significant blow. Acacius backs him up while Ianthe and Doriana try to damage their ranged attackers, but the onslaught of the powerful Centaurs eventually brings Hybris down, almost ending his life. Dorianna attempts to use the Horn to paralyze their back line, but the gas spreads too slowly and isn't able to affect any of them before the combat is over. The two archers attempt to flee after knocking out two more party members but are quickly taken out during their retreat. The fight was quick but extremely brutal. Kyrah rushes over to Aurelia who lays motionless on the ground. She quickly administers some healing energy and proclaims that her obligation to Aura has been fulfilled. Injured and tired, the group decides to travel a few more hours away from the battle scene and sets up camp.
  Date: Pythion 12th
On the morning of the 12th, one week after Ianthe received her locket from The Oracle, it opens, revealing inside, the portrait of a beautiful woman, weathered with time. She spoke to Ianthe as if on the wind itself. She talked of her destiny to rebuild the The Order of the Dragonlords and she told Ianthe that she was destined for great things, even though she could not see it now. The voice was limited in her time as she had not the strength to keep the connection, but she reassured Ianthe that she would always be by her side if and when she needed her company.

Rewards Granted

6 x assorted gems - 50gp each
4 x gold rings - 50gp each
2 x broken gold necklaces - 10gp each
A ritual tome bound in human flesh - left in the glade

Missions/Quests Completed

Drink from the Horn of Balmythria


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