Session 004: Trip to Estoria Report in Thylea | World Anvil
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Session 004: Trip to Estoria

General Summary

Date: Pythion the 6th
  The group ventures forth from The Temple of the Oracle and begins their journey towards The City of Estoria. On the first day, Aurelia spots the shape of large ram standing atop a hill, and the party decides to investigate further. Upon examination, the heroes discover that they've come across an extremely rare Golden Ram. Dorianna and Ianthe volunteer themselves to approach the creature, and through some expert negotiating, are able to convince the ram of their need for it's golden fleece. The creature allows the group to shear off it's coat, and they pay their respects to the magnificent being as it glides off into the wilds.
  During the night, Doriana has a dream where she's transported to some sort of spectacular garden, wherein she makes contact with her patrons, The Fates. They congratulate her on her efforts to glean the Oracle's wisdom, and bestow upon her an eldritch tome of unknown capabilities. 
    Date: Pythion the 7th
  During their second day of travel, the party encounters a macabre scene where a Maenad and three Goatlings are singly raucously while roasting the corpse of a dwarf over a campfire. Hybris is especially familiar with these creatures as they've been harried by similar beasts all their life. The group decides to ambush the camp, and they make quick work of the lesser goatlings. The maenad proves to be a bit more annoying as it coerces a few members of the party into a strange, maddening dance. Acacius is forced to attack Hybris while he's under the spell. Ianthe puts the fey to sleep, and Hybris ties the creature up and places them over the campfire in place of the dwarf. What follows would've been difficult for anyone to witness.   That night, Kyrah recounts the story of The Great Bear under the night sky.
  Date: Pythion the 8th
  The next midday, the heroes complete their journey and make it to  The City of Estoria. On their way, they've made note of the increasing dryness of the countryside as they got closer to the city, and as they passed more and more farms and homesteads, they noticed how absent of animals these places were. As the group made their way to the gate of the city proper, they merged paths with a caravan, delivering gaunt and frail livestock to the town. Through some quick converation, the party was able to draw some information about the current state of Estoria:
  • The surrounding farms have few livestock remaining, exhausted by the daily sacrifices demanded by Sydon.
  • The city is experiencing a drought, because the Lord of Storms is withholding rain from this region.
  • Centaurs have been gathering on the outskirts of town, keeping a close watch over the sacrifices.

The party heads into town where they're met with occasional stares and whispering from passerby. Tale of their deeds has seemed to already of reached this part of the world. They make their way to the center of the city where the Agora and its many vendors of various wares awaits. While they browse, the group is approached by a starved looking man trying to sell an amulet that they obtained from The Necropolis of Telamok. A nearby merchant intervenes and warns them that this man is a graverobber and has been cursed as such. Doriana frightens the man away, and Ianthe gets directions to the local smith, Volkan's hall. 
  Inside works a weathered old dwarf who claims he is the real Volkan, The God of Forges; although, not many in the city believe him to be telling the truth. The reason why is quickly revealed through conversation with the man as he seems to be extremely forgetful, unbalanced and myopic. Kyrah convinces him that her traveling compainions are indeed the Heroes of Prophecy, and he gives them some arms and armor at greatly reduced price to aid them. He asks the heroes if they could reclaim his old forge in The Mithral Mountains. He has seemingly forgotten where it is located, however, and instead directs them to find a group of local copper mine dwarves that may know the way. Towards the end of their conversation, the group is interupted by a band of guards knocking at the entrance to the shop. They claim that Pythor, The King of Estoria, has summoned them to the palace, and pleads that they follow them. On the way, Acacius slips away to send a note to a contact asking for more information on Volkan after his strange encounter and denial of placing his brand on Acacius' bloodline.

Rewards Granted

Golden Fleece
Report Date
06 Dec 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
One of these days, all this warfare will be automated. Bronze soldiers with bronze weapons, and no more bloodshed. That's my dream, anyway. Let an old man have his dream. 


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