Session 010: The Petrification Predicament Report in Thylea | World Anvil
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Session 010: The Petrification Predicament

General Summary

Date: Pythion 13th
  Finishing their round of revelry and bonding, the group makes their way to Volkan's forge to retrieve the mirrored shield they had ordered earlier in the day. Now more prepared for their inevitable encounter with the local pack of Basilisks, the heroes make their way through town to head north along the River Arkelon and into the The Greater Steppes. On the way out of Estoria, a number of Centaurs are seen camped out on the opposite side of the river, seemingly keeping a loose watch over the city.
  The journey northward is mostly uneventful and the group is able to spot the entrance to the Basilisks' den along the wall of the dried-up river bed. They form a plan to lure the creatures out and position themselves to surprise the beasts. After some coaxing, one of the lizard-like creatures begins to make its way out of the cave, following the sounds of a distressed animal created by Ianthe. As it does, Acacius lets loose his newfound Javelin of Lightning and strikes the creature, surprising it. The battle is quick as the basilisk turns Acacius into stone with its petrifying gaze, and the rest of the group barrages it with a series of attacks. Another of its kind comes out of the tunnel as well, but is quickly repelled by a Shatter and series of blows from Aurelia, and retreats back into the den. As it's running, Ianthe sends another Shatter after it, wounding the creature further and causing a minor cave-in. The group decides to contribute further and spends some time blocking up the cave, trapping the creatures within.
  With the now statue-like form of Acacius, the party is able to extract the bile from the slain Basilisk in order to have a remedy made back in the city. Hybris and Aura team-lift the stone medusa back to the city and to The Third Wish curio shop where Delia is able to turn the harvested bile into a usable salve to cure the petrification. It takes most of the night, but they are able to cure Acacius and bring him back to his normal state.
  Date: Pythion 14th
  In the morning, the Chosen decide to split into a few groups: Ianthe and Aura go to the Rock of Estor to scout out what happened with last night's sacrifice, Hybris and Dorianna begin making their way back to the Basilisk den to finish off the remaining creatures, and Acacius is instructed to go back to the inn for some rest (he sneaks out and follows the party). Ianthe and Aura discover that the sacrifice wasn't completed and rush to catch up to their other companions. Once back at the den, the party takes their time clearing the rubble so as to not cause any additional cave-ins and makes their way inside. Moving carefully and using reflective surfaces to look forward, the group spots two nests with eggs in them. Aura rushes the one on the ground level as Hybris tries to warn her against it. As she makes contact with the egg, a mother Basilisk emerges from their camouflaged hiding place and attacks her.
  Aura and Hyrbis take on the creature with some backup from Acacius. As they do so, another one bursts from the nearby spring and surprises Dorianna, catching her off guard with its gaze as she begins to solidify. The two groups fend off the vicious creatures with great skill until one of them turns its attention to Loreus, who was sat in a corner in an attempt to keep him safe from the petrifying gaze. From behind, the creature, taking full advantage of the satyr's vulnerability, envelops his entire head with its toothy maw, severing it from his body in one smooth motion. Ianthe watches in horror as her newfound friend and lover are slain. In a moment of high emotions, Kyrah, The Goddess of Music, who usually tries to remain impartial during combat scenarios, unleashes her great fury towards the beast, exploding its head with a sonic boom of enormous magnitude. Following suit, Ianthe unleashes a great Shatter within the remaining lizard, partially hurting her friends, but completely destroying the body of the beast.
  In the aftermath, Ianthe holds the lifeless body of her slain companion as Kyrah, The Goddess of Music crouches next to her. She reveals that she has a continuation policy for each member of the group and offers to use one on Loreus at the cost of losing the chance for another to come back, should they fall in the future. Ianthe eventually makes the decision to decline the offer, and, instead, opts to give him a peaceful burial outside on the grassy plain. 
  Acacius stows away the remaining egg and discovers some valuables among a refuse pile in the back of the cave, including an eye-catching blue orb inlaid with silver etchings depicting symbols of Mytros, The Goddess of Dawn. The rest of the party takes the body of the whole Basilisk outside to prepare a sacrifice to The Fates, at Dorianna's request. Afterward, the group makes their way back to Estoria for some much-needed recuperation.
  Back in the city, Acacius and Hybris make a quick pit stop at the palace barracks. Acacius scouts out a suitable place to leave his 'surprise' for Gaius, the egg he retrieved from the Basilisks' den, with hopes that it will hatch soon and wreak havoc upon the soldiers of The Order of Sydon. The group reconvenes at The Dragon's Tooth public house and settles in for the evening.

Rewards Granted

3 citrine gems worth 50gp each
15gp, 22sp, 18cp
Strange sky-blue orb with silver embellishments of Mytros
Basilisk Egg x1 (lost)
Mirrored Shield (Aura)
Trust these horn-headed fiends to get the better end of any deal you make with them. They'll ask to be paid in wine, and then drink you into poverty. I caught one of them tupping my sister behind the stables, and rather than having the good sense to be ashamed, he wrote a song about it. Sod them all, but the damned goats play music that could make the Muse herself weep.


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