The King's Daughter Plot in Thylea | World Anvil
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The King's Daughter

The Order of Sydon has demanded that the princess be sacrificed to The Lord of Storms. If this is not done, then an army of centaurs and cyclopes will descend upon Estoria and slaughter all the people of the city.
  Because King Pythor is one of the Five Gods, he is bound by the Oath of Peace. He cannot take up arms against the Titans until the oath ends. Only the heroes can intervene to save his daughter.
  The sacrifice must be made by Pythion the 15th.
  The Heroes of Prophecy have attempted to negotiate with Gaius, the spokesman for Sydon. He has agreed to enter into a Game of Twenty Squares with the lives of Acacius and one other party member on the line.
  Acacius backs out of the wager after the group returns from their Basilisk killing venture, and the next day, the group offers themselves up in place of the Princess.
  The night of the sacrifice goes by mostly uneventful, and the heroes are released from their chains and Oath, saving the Princess from what may have been certain doom.
  As a reward, Pythor bestows Hybris with his personal Hammer.
Completion Date
Pythion 16th


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