Session 005: Negotiating for a life Report in Thylea | World Anvil
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Session 005: Negotiating for a life

General Summary

Date: Pythion the 8th   The Heroes of Prophecy are escorted to the King's Palace by the summons of King Pythor. The king himself turns out to be an enraged and depressed drunkard; albeit still quite intimidating and formidable in stature. He requests that the party find a way to circumvent the sacrifice of his daughter, Princess Anora, which has been demanded by Sydon, The Lord of Storms. The sacrifice must take place on The Rock of Estor by the next full moon, Pythion the 15th. Pythor suggests the group start with Gaius, the commander of The Order of Sydon.
  The group is escorted to the other side of the palace courtyard in order to meet with Princess Anora. She welcomes them, graciously, and tries to give a little insight on Gaius and the situation in Estoria. The party then heads to the barracks where they were told Gaius and his men would be staying. The commander is not present, but the group runs into the hoplites of Sydon playing cards. It's difficult to reason with and converse with them. With not much more to go on, the heroes inquire around the city about where the most prominent meeting house may be. They are directed to The Dragon's Tooth Inn.
  The party overhears some rumors about a band of warriors that traveled to The Necropolis of Telamok last month and haven't returned. After some conversation and light carousing, the group's attention is turned to the exterior of the inn as Gaius has returned on dragon-back. They quickly make their way back to the palace barracks to meet with him. 
  The heroes attempt to reason and negotiate with the man, but he turns out to be extremely stubborn and an unrelenting zealot of Sydon. The best deal they're able to make is one of playing a Game of Twenty Squares and offering up the lives of Acacius and one other party member of their choosing to be sacrificed in Anora's place, should they lose. Should they win, he agrees to a hefty sacrifice of 50 oxen. After a frustrating conversation with the commander, the party heads outside and up a large stone pillar that has been serving as a dragon's nest since Gaius has been stationed in the city. 
  The group is able to smooth talk their way into conversing with the mighty creature, a young female silver dragon named, Argyn. They gleen that she had been given to Sydon as an egg, and has served as his dragon mount ever since she was big enough to do so. She doesn't have a great opinion of Gaius, she thinks he is cruel and has been tainted by the influence of the Storm Lord. He also has developed affections for his dragon and believes they will be bethrothed as soon as she is able to polymorph into a humanoid. Overall, she is cautious of the heroes, but openly converses with them and even allows Aura to make physical contact with her before getting bored and going back to sleep.
  The heroes head back to The Dragon's Tooth Inn to regroup and talk about what they've learned. Acacius sneaks off again as they make their way to the inn, but rejoins the party. Ianthe spots Kyrah sitting off in a corner looking solemn. She explains to the group that she recieved a letter from The Academy at Mytros recounting a break-in robbery of her room within the Academy. Apparently her legendary instruments, from her time in a troupe called "The Four Winds", have been stolen. 
  Date: Pythion the 9th
  Doriana attempts to commune with her patron, The Fates, to see if they can give any insight into what they should do. They respond by manifesting a creature out of her pipe of smoke monsters: an 8-legged spinny-backed lizard creature with bright blue eyes. The party is able to identify it as a basilisk. During this morning, the group notices a table of dwarves in the inn that is always populated by, well, dwarves. They say they work in the local copper mines, but have yearned to get back to their original workplace, The Mithral Mines within The Mithral Mountains. An older dwarf by the name of Haggis says he was present in the mines when the very hells seemed to open and out came a host of demon hounds that overran the area and killed many of his fellow clansmen. He asks the party to recover some of the remains of these lost dwarves if they plan to venture into the mines.
Even among thousands of soldiers, a single great warrior can turn the tide of battle. Usually that warrior is me, but if you work hard, perhaps one day it will be you!


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