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Ardetian League

The Ardetian League is a historical alliance of island nations within the Ardetian Islands, initially formed for mutual protection against the threat of the Marithal Empire. Over the centuries, its role has evolved from a military alliance to a platform for cultural exchange, economic cooperation, and maritime law standardization.


Originally, the League's capital was to rotate among member nations. However, due to logistical challenges in moving the alliance's headquarters, a permanent capital was established on the island of Eriadna. Eriadna's central location, natural harbor, and strong maritime culture made it a logical choice. The wealth and prestige brought by the capital status have, however, generated envy and mistrust among other member nations.   The Ardetian League has a diverse membership, reflecting the multifaceted cultures of the Ardetian Islands. Membership is voluntary, with nations free to join or leave the alliance. In the past, military aid was a mandatory contribution from all member nations. However, over time, this requirement has been replaced by more flexible contributions, including food, materials, and monetary offerings in the form of gold and silver.   Each member nation of the League contributes according to its capabilities and resources. These contributions, whether in the form of food, materials, or monetary offerings, are used for the collective welfare of the League and its operations. In return, members gain the protection, shared resources, and collective bargaining power of the League.


In addition to its original defensive purpose, the League has also served as a platform for cultural exchange and inter-island trade. The member nations regularly organize cultural festivals, trade fairs, and academic symposiums, fostering a sense of shared Ardetian identity.


Established centuries ago, the Ardetian League was a response to the expansionist threats of the Marithal Empire. The alliance brought together several island nations and peoples under a single pact, uniting their naval forces and resources to combat the mutual threat. While not every island or people joined the League, its collective strength was crucial in the defense of the Ardetian Islands during that era.


Over the years, the League has faced several controversies, including allegations of fund mismanagement and corruption. The changing geopolitical landscape, including the fading threat of the Marithal Empire, also led many to question the League's relevance. These factors have resulted in the departure of many member nations and have significantly weakened the League's influence and efficacy.

Modern Role

Today, the Ardetian League exists more as a symbol of historical unity and cultural exchange rather than a potent political or military alliance. However, it continues to hold considerable cultural significance and serves as a reminder of the shared history and heritage of the Ardetian people.
Founding Date
34 BRE
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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