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Ardetian Islands

The Ardetian Islands are a sprawling archipelago situated in the southern waters of Orynthia, where the Great Ocean meets the Boundless Ocean. Comprised of a myriad of islands ranging from vast landmasses to tiny islets, the Ardetian Islands are renowned for their tropical beauty, diverse ecosystems, and cultural richness. The islands have historically been a hub for maritime trade and exploration and have developed a unique cultural tapestry through interactions with various seafaring civilizations.


The archipelago is made up of over two hundred know islands. Among these, the largest and most significant islands are Ardora, Telamar, Valisara, and Nalindra.
  • Ardora, often referred to as the ‘Heart of Ardetia’, is the largest island, with lush forests, towering mountains, and expansive beaches.
  • Telamar is characterized by its intricate network of lagoons and mangroves, making it a haven for diverse marine life.
  • Valisara, known as the ‘Emerald Isle’, is largely made up of dense rainforests and is home to many unique plant species.
  • Nalindra is distinguished by its mountainous terrain and is famous for its vibrant festivals and traditional crafts.
  • Eriadna is one of the wealthiest islands, and the defacto capital of the Ardetian League.
Surrounding these major islands are countless smaller islands and islets, each with its own unique geographical features.


The Ardetian Islands are blessed with rich biodiversity. The islands' rainforests are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, some of which are endemic to the archipelago. The marine ecosystems are equally rich, with coral reefs surrounding many of the islands. These reefs are teeming with colorful fish, mollusks, and other marine life.   Notable species include the Ardetian Macaw, known for its vibrant feathers, and the Blue Crested Iguana, which is native to Valisara.

Ecosystem Cycles

The ecosystems of the Ardetian Islands follow a seasonal cycle influenced by the climate. During the wet season, the rainforests flourish and many animal species breed. The rivers and lagoons swell with water, making them ideal for the spawning of various fish species.   As the dry season approaches, many species migrate or adapt to the changing conditions. For example, sea turtles lay their eggs on the beaches, and various birds begin their migrations to different parts of the islands or beyond.

Localized Phenomena

One of the most intriguing phenomena in the Ardetian Islands is the Luminous Lagoon of Telamar. On moonless nights, the waters of this lagoon glow due to the presence of bioluminescent microorganisms. This natural spectacle draws visitors from across the archipelago.


The Ardetian Islands have a tropical climate, characterized by a wet season and a dry season. The wet season, occurring from late spring to early autumn, is marked by heavy rainfall and thunderstorms. The dry season, from late autumn to early spring, is generally warm with occasional rainfall. The islands are also situated in a zone that is susceptible to tropical cyclones, which can affect the region during certain times of the year.

Fauna & Flora

The Ardetian Islands boast a diverse range of plant and animal life, shaped by the tropical climate and isolated location.  


The islands’ rainforests house a plethora of plant species, including several types of hardwood trees, medicinal herbs, and orchids. 
  • Golden Canopy Tree - One of the most iconic trees is the Golden Canopy Tree, whose leaves turn a brilliant gold during the dry season. 
  • Crimson Orchid - Native to Valisara, this striking flower has deep red petals and is often used in traditional ceremonies.
  • Giant Aldertrees - These towering trees, found in the rainforests of Ardora, have wide canopies that provide habitat for various animal species.
  • Blue Vines - Found in Telamar, these vines produce luminous blue flowers and have medicinal properties.


  • Ardetian Macaw - As mentioned earlier, this vibrant bird is known for its multicolored feathers and loud calls.
  • Blue Crested Iguana - Native to Valisara, this iguana is known for its blue crests and arboreal habits.
  • Sea Drake - A rare species of large marine lizard that inhabits the waters around the islands, known for its ability to glide over the water for short distances.
  Additionally, the surrounding waters teem with marine life including sea turtles, dolphins, and a plethora of fish species, while fruit-bearing trees such as mangoes, coconuts, and passion fruits are abundant.

Natural Resources

The Ardetian Islands are rich in natural resources that have been integral to their economies and cultures.
  • Spices - The islands are known for a variety of spices, including Ardetian cinnamon and Telamar pepper, which are highly sought after in trade.
  • Gems - Valisara, in particular, is rich in gemstones, including emeralds and sapphires.
  • Timber - The Giant Aldertrees and other hardwoods are valuable for construction and craftsmanship.
  • Fisheries - The surrounding waters are abundant with fish, which form a staple of the local diet and are also an important export.


The Ardetian Islands have a rich and complex history marked by the rise and fall of numerous local powers, trade networks, and maritime adventures.  

Early History

The earliest settlers of the Ardetian Islands are believed to have been seafaring tribes that arrived in canoes. Over time, these tribes established small kingdoms, chieftaincies, and confederations.  

The Ardetian League

As competition among the islands intensified, several island communities formed the Ardetian League, a loose alliance for mutual protection and trade. The League played an essential role in promoting peace and fostering economic prosperity among its members.  

Age of Exploration

The islands are situated at the edge of the known world, where the Great Ocean meets the Boundless Ocean. Over time, the Ardetians became skilled sailors and navigators, voyaging to Orynthia and even establishing contacts with the Namorian Republic. However, the enigmatic Boundless Ocean to the east remained a mystery that few dared to challenge.   In recent times, Followers of Tull have been arriving in the Ardetian Islands, seeking ships and crews willing to venture into the Boundless Ocean in search of their mythical lands of Lahar. No local seafarers have taken up this perilous venture, as the Boundless Ocean is regarded with superstition and fear.  

Fragmented Rule

The governance of the islands is highly fragmented, with varying forms of rulership including princes, petty kings, tribes, and pirate councils. Larger islands occasionally see the rise of mini-empires, but these are usually short-lived.  

Contact with the Namorian Republic

While the islands have traditionally remained outside the sphere of the Namorian Republic, trade contacts have been established. Namorian traders, though few, have made their way to the Ardetian Islands, and in return, Ardetian ships have made voyages to the main parts of Orynthia and engaged in trade with the Namorians.   The history of the Ardetian Islands continues to evolve as the islanders navigate their place in a vast and often mysterious world, balancing their ancient traditions with new opportunities and challenges.
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The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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