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Black Coast Free States

The Black Coast Free States is a confederation of independent towns and cities located along the rugged northern shoreline of the Karidan Gulf, in West Theron. The region declared its independence following the death of King Brennus, whose demise led to a popular uprising. While the majority of West Theron eventually fell under the control of the Namorian Republic, the Black Coast asserted its independence. The Free States are renowned for their rough and independent spirit, echoed in the rugged landscapes ranging from the craggy shoreline cliffs to the lush forests nestled between the Silver Highlands and Torinth Peaks.



The Council of Harbormasters is made up of representatives from each major settlement along the Black Coast. These representatives are usually the heads of prominent families, guild leaders, or individuals chosen by the populace. In addition to the council, there are several subcommittees responsible for various affairs, such as trade, defense, and internal relations. The Council as a whole makes decisions through majority votes, with the High Harbourmaster holding the power to break ties.


The culture of the Black Coast Free States is rooted in a fierce sense of independence and self-reliance. The people of this region are known for being hardy, resourceful, and deeply connected to the sea. Maritime traditions play a significant role in daily life, and the rugged landscape has fostered a culture that values practical skills and community cooperation. Local folklore and legends, such as the tales of the Karidan Deepdweller, hold a special place in the collective imagination. Many festivals and communal events revolve around the changing seasons and maritime bounty.   Craftsmanship, particularly in shipbuilding and fishing, is highly valued, and artisans often hold esteemed positions within the community. The Black Coast's tumultuous history has fostered a general suspicion of outsiders, particularly the Namorian Republic and monarchies.

Public Agenda

The primary goal of the Black Coast Free States is to preserve their independence and way of life. The Council of Harbourmasters endeavours to establish and maintain trade relations while securing the Free States’ coastline against piracy and external aggression. There is a strong emphasis on self-sufficiency, and the council often invests in local industries, particularly fisheries and shipbuilding.   Lastly, the Black Coast Free States, while valuing their independence, strive to establish a reputation as reliable and honourable trading partners. They aim to balance a practical approach to diplomacy with a deep-rooted commitment to safeguarding their freedoms.


Ancient Period

The history of the Black Coast as part of the Kingdom of Theron dates back several centuries. Initially, the area was inhabited by numerous coastal tribes known for their seafaring skills. The Kingdom of Theron, under King Eldred I, annexed the region around 130 RE, bringing the tribes under Theron's rule.   The Black Coast became an essential part of the kingdom due to its rich maritime resources. However, the region's rugged terrain and the fierce independence of the local population limited the kingdom's control to some extent.

Death of King Brennus and the Birth of the Free States

King Brennus of Theron, a popular and unifying figure, passed away in 325 RE without a clear heir. This created a power vacuum in the kingdom, and numerous nobles vied for the throne. The Black Coast was particularly affected by this turmoil, as the central authority weakened, leaving the coastal settlements to fend for themselves.   The communities along the Black Coast, recognizing a unique opportunity, assembled a council comprising representatives from each settlement. This council declared the independence of the Black Coast from the Kingdom of Theron, marking the birth of the Black Coast Free States.

The Namorian Intervention and the Fall of West Theron

In 330 RE, the Namorian Republic intervened in West Theron, which was embroiled in a civil war among feuding lords and ladies. The Namorians managed to stabilize the region, and West Theron became a protectorate of the Namorian Republic.   The remaining Theronite lords, desperate to preserve their heritage, formed a last alliance and launched an attack on Old Harran in West Theron in 342 RE. However, they were decisively defeated by the Namorian forces, which cemented Namorian rule over West Theron.

Skirmish and Truce with the Namorians

In 343 RE, a skirmish broke out between Namorian patrols and Black Coast militias near the Rushwater River. This skirmish, known as the Rushwater Conflict, threatened to escalate into a full-blown war. However, recognizing the devastating potential of such a conflict, the Council of Harbormasters sent emissaries to the Namorians.   A truce was established later that year, recognizing the Black Coast Free States' independence and establishing a truce between the Namorian Republic and the Free States.

Present Day (345 RE)

Currently, in 345 RE, the Black Coast Free States remain an independent and self-reliant confederation of coastal settlements. The region has developed a distinct identity rooted in maritime traditions and fierce independence. Relations with the Namorian Republic are cautious but stable, with both parties honoring the truce.   The Council of Harbormasters continues to govern the Free States, with an emphasis on preserving their culture, independence, and the natural heritage of the Black Coast.
Political, Confederation
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories


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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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