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Kingdom of Karida

The Kingdom of Karida, the "Kingdom of the Light", is a hereditary monarchy nestled in the northern region of the eastern continent of Orynthia. Ruled by Queen Eirina, the kingdom embraces a male-preference primogeniture system, passing the crown through the male line whenever possible.


Central to Karida's identity is its state religion, dedicated to Haldra, the revered goddess of light, truth, and justice—a divine figure reminiscent of Lux in the Namorian Pantheon. The majestic Vanamac Palace serves as the residence of Queen Eirina, who governs from the bustling capital city of Lyriath. While the queen holds significant political power, the spiritual realm is overseen by the High Priest of Lightspire, a position of authority within the grand cathedral devoted to Haldra.   Within the kingdom, a secular army operates alongside the royal guard, while individual feudal lords maintain their own armies, contributing to the realm's defense and stability. Karida's religious landscape also boasts semi-autonomous Karidan Knightly Orders, closely affiliated with the Order of Haldra. These noble knights engage in various missions, often remaining neutral in foreign affairs but dedicated to upholding justice, healing the wounded, mediating disputes, and embarking on quests into uncharted territories in search of ancient artifacts.   Situated at the far reaches of civilization, Karida is flanked by inhospitable lands. To the north lies the frigid expanse of frozen wastelands, populated by barbarian tribes and nomadic family groups. The eastern border is defined by the impassable and towering mountain ranges, while to the south, the Gulf of Karida and Noordcross separate the kingdom from the rest of the continent.   Karida experiences a climate of extremes, where short but vibrant summers burst with life and productivity. However, the long, harsh winters halt most activities, effectively prompting a temporary hibernation of the land until the arrival of the next warm season.

Notable Locations

  • Tundraka Hold - Perched atop a rugged cliff overlooking the crashing waves of the Great Ocean, Tundraka Hold is the ancestral seat of House Gaelstrom, renowned for its mighty warriors and strategic location along the northern frontier.
  • Vaelwood - A sprawling expanse of ancient woodland, Vaelwood is said to be touched by mystical energies. Its towering trees house hidden groves and sacred sites, attracting druids and seekers of wisdom.
  • Frostbrunn - A secluded village nestled in the icy embrace of the Frozen Fjords, Frostbrunn is home to skilled ice carvers and fishermen who navigate the treacherous frozen waters in search of prized catches.
  • Luthvyrn - A picturesque coastal town renowned for its shipbuilding prowess, Luthvyrn's skilled craftsmen construct sturdy vessels that navigate the stormy seas, making it a hub of maritime trade.
  • Amberwatch - Resting atop a cliff overlooking the Amber Bay, this fortified town is known for its amber mines, where skilled miners extract the golden resin from ancient fossilized trees.
  • Bannswatch - Guarding the Karidan border, this strategic fortress town overlooks the vast Noordcross, where travelers and merchants pass through, and the kingdom's army keeps a watchful eye.
  • Glimmfen - A shimmering marshland adorned with bioluminescent flora, Glimmfen is a place of mystic beauty where wisps dance in the night, luring curious souls to uncover the secrets that lie within.
  • Nordenholme - Nestled among snow-capped peaks, Nordenholme is a mountainous town renowned for its mining operations, extracting precious gems and ores from deep within the earth.
  • Hallowmead - A quaint village tucked away in a verdant valley, Hallowmead is known for its lush orchards and vineyards, producing some of the kingdom's finest fruits and herbal wines.
  • Dunverne - A bustling market town situated along the winding River Verne, Dunverne thrives on trade and commerce, attracting merchants from neighboring lands.
These unique and evocative place names bring to life the diverse landscapes and vibrant communities within the Kingdom of Karida, capturing the essence of its culture, natural resources, and historical significance.



The official currency of Karida is the Karidan Crown. The Karidan Crown is a gold-based currency that features intricate engravings of the kingdom's emblem, depicting the goddess Haldra and other symbols associated with Karida's heritage. The currency is minted in the capital city of Lyriath and is widely accepted throughout the kingdom for trade, commerce, and financial transactions. The Karidan Crown is known for its stability and is backed by the royal treasury, ensuring its value and reliability in the market.


The Kingdom of Karida relies on imports to acquire certain goods that are essential for its continuous survival and growth, as well as to fulfill the demands of its population for luxury items from distant lands. While Karida possesses its own resources and produces many goods internally, there are specific products that are more cost-effective to acquire through trade.   One of the key imports is timber and wood products. Despite the abundance of forests within Karida, the harsh winters and limited access to certain types of wood necessitate the importation of specific timber varieties for construction, crafting, and fuel. This allows the kingdom to meet its demand for wood without depleting its own local resources.   Luxury goods, such as fine textiles, spices, and exotic foods, are highly sought after by the population of Karida. These products, originating from faraway lands, add variety and prestige to the kingdom's markets and satisfy the desires of the nobility and affluent citizens. Items like silk, rare spices, jewelry, and unique artifacts find their way into Karida through trade routes, enhancing the cultural richness and opulence of the kingdom.   In terms of more practical imports, Karida relies on certain agricultural products that are either challenging to grow in its own climate or can be obtained more cost-effectively from neighboring regions. For instance, during the short summers, when agricultural productivity is high, Karida focuses on growing cereal crops and other essentials. However, the kingdom may import fruits, vegetables, and other perishable food items to supplement its domestic production and ensure a diverse and nutritious diet year-round.   Additionally, Karida may import specialized metalwork and manufactured goods that require advanced craftsmanship or technological expertise beyond its own capabilities. This allows the kingdom to acquire superior tools, machinery, and intricately crafted items that contribute to the growth and development of its industries.   By strategically importing specific goods, such as timber, luxury items, agricultural products, and specialized craftsmanship, Karida ensures the continuous availability of essential resources, caters to the desires of its population for exotic and high-quality products, and benefits from cost-effective trade options that complement its internal production capabilities.  


The Kingdom of Karida exports several goods that are in demand by other regions and are produced in surplus within the organization. These trade items contribute to the economic prosperity and cultural influence of Karida:
  • Fur and Animal Products - Karida's abundance of wildlife, particularly in the northern regions, allows for the hunting and trapping of various animals. The kingdom exports furs, such as those from foxes, wolves, and bears, which are highly valued for their warmth and luxurious appeal. Additionally, animal by-products like oils and animal-derived materials are exported for various purposes.
  • Preserved Foods - Given the long and harsh winters in Karida, the kingdom has perfected the art of food preservation. Preserved fruits, vegetables, meats, and fish are in high demand as they provide sustenance during the winter months when fresh produce is scarce. These preserved foods are exported to neighboring regions that do not have the same expertise in food preservation.
  • Crafted Artifacts and Intricate Goods - The winter months, when movement and travel are restricted, provide an opportunity for the people of Karida to engage in intricate craftwork. Skilled artisans produce unique wooden carvings, scrimshaw, metalwork, and other crafts that showcase their creativity and craftsmanship. These handcrafted artifacts are highly valued and sought after by collectors and enthusiasts in other lands.
  • Cultural and Artistic Productions - Karida's rich cultural heritage, including its music, songs, and captivating stories, has become a unique export. Travelling bards and storytellers carry the latest tales, legends, and melodies of Karida to other countries, where they are eagerly received and appreciated. This exchange of cultural expressions helps promote Karida's artistic prowess and establishes it as a center of creativity.
While Karida may not have a diverse range of industrial or manufactured goods, it leverages its natural resources, preservation techniques, skilled craftsmanship, and cultural wealth to produce a surplus of fur, preserved foods, handcrafted artifacts, and cultural expressions. These exports not only contribute to the economic well-being of the kingdom but also enhance its reputation as a source of unique and desirable products that other regions eagerly seek.


The Kingdom of Karida follows a hierarchical organizational structure with various roles and positions that contribute to its governance and administration. At the pinnacle of the structure is the monarch, currently Queen Eirina, who holds the ultimate authority and serves as the head of state. The queen's responsibilities encompass decision-making, rule enforcement, diplomacy, and representing the kingdom on a national and international level.   Assisting the monarch in governing the realm are a diverse array of governmental entities and individuals. Feudal lords, granted lands and titles by the crown, hold significant influence and authority within their respective territories. These lords, known as vassals, administer their lands, enforce the kingdom's laws, and provide military support when required.   The royal court is an essential component of the government structure, comprising a council of advisors and officials who aid the queen in making important decisions. This council includes prominent individuals such as the Chancellor, who oversees administrative matters, the Treasurer, responsible for managing the kingdom's finances, and the High Steward, who ensures the smooth functioning of the royal household.   Furthermore, the monarch seeks counsel from an assembly of esteemed individuals, known as the Privy Council. This council consists of learned scholars, experienced military commanders, influential nobles, and trusted advisors. They provide expertise, insights, and guidance on matters pertaining to governance, legislation, defense, and the overall well-being of the kingdom.   While the kingdom has a centralized government, there are regional administrative divisions overseen by local administrators appointed by the crown. These administrators maintain law and order, resolve disputes, and serve as intermediaries between the royal court and the local communities.   Although not directly part of the government structure, the religious aspect of Karida plays a significant role in the kingdom's affairs. The High Priest of Lightspire and the associated clergy hold influence and often act as spiritual advisors to the monarch and the nobility. The religious hierarchy, including the Sanctum Conclave and the Knightly Orders, functions alongside the government structure, fostering a close relationship between the state and the faith.   Together, these interconnected roles and institutions form the organizational structure of the Kingdom of Karida, ensuring the smooth functioning of governance, justice, and administration throughout the realm.


The culture of the Kingdom of Karida is deeply rooted in its long-standing traditions, values, and the interplay between monarchy, religion, and the welfare of its people. As an absolute monarchy with a divine mandate to rule, the kingdom places great importance on the legitimacy and authority of the monarch, who acts as the protector and custodian of the realm.   At the core of Karida's culture is the belief in the monarch's sacred duty to govern and safeguard the interests of the kingdom. The monarch's power is derived from a divine mandate, but this mandate is reinforced by the coronation and recognition of the church, which adds an essential religious dimension to the ruler's legitimacy. This fusion of religious and political authority instills a sense of divine purpose and responsibility in the monarch, guiding their decisions and actions.   While the monarch often supports their own family's interests, the culture of Karida emphasizes the broader obligations of the ruler to the welfare and well-being of the kingdom's inhabitants. The monarch is expected to consider the needs and aspirations of their subjects, striving to create a just and prosperous society. This sense of duty extends to upholding the principles of the state religion, as well as maintaining the stability and unity of the realm.   Religion, particularly the worship of Haldra, the goddess of light, truth, and justice, plays a central role in the culture of Karida. The state religion serves as a moral compass, guiding the behavior and values of the people. Faith and devotion to Haldra are deeply ingrained in society, fostering a strong sense of spirituality, righteousness, and a commitment to upholding truth and justice.   The culture of Karida also cherishes its history, traditions, and customs. Ancient rituals and ceremonies are celebrated, reinforcing a sense of continuity and cultural identity. The arts, literature, and music flourish as expressions of the kingdom's rich heritage, serving as vehicles for storytelling, enlightenment, and entertainment.   Additionally, a strong sense of community and familial bonds prevails in Karida's culture. The concept of noblesse oblige underscores the responsibilities of the nobility and the ruling class to care for and protect the less privileged. This ethos of communal support and solidarity promotes a society where individuals look out for one another and strive for the common good.   Overall, the culture of the Kingdom of Karida encompasses a harmonious blend of monarchy, religion, and the well-being of its people. It emphasizes the monarch's divine mandate to rule, their obligations to both their family and their subjects, and the vital role of religion in shaping moral values and guiding societal behavior.


The history of the Kingdom of Karida is steeped in mythical tales and grand narratives that have shaped its identity over the ages. According to ancient legends, Karida was founded by the great warrior-king Valdor the Brave, who united the fragmented tribes of the region and established a powerful kingdom in the face of countless perils. In the early days of the kingdom, Valdor embarked on a series of legendary quests, vanquishing mythical beasts, uncovering ancient artifacts, and forging alliances with magical beings. His exploits earned him the favor of the gods, who blessed him with immense strength and wisdom. It is said that Valdor's sword, the Sunfire Blade, was imbued with divine powers and became a symbol of Karida's strength and righteous rule.   Under Valdor's rule, Karida flourished as a beacon of prosperity and stability. The kingdom's borders expanded, and its influence grew, as Valdor's reign ushered in a golden age of peace and enlightenment. His wise governance, coupled with the guidance of the clergy devoted to Haldra, created a harmonious society where justice and truth prevailed.   However, the passing of Valdor marked a turning point in Karida's history. Successive rulers struggled to maintain the same level of strength and unity. Internal conflicts and external threats posed challenges to the kingdom's stability, pushing it to the brink of collapse.   In one such turbulent era, the kingdom faced a grave crisis when a self proclaimed dark sorcerer known as Malachor sought to plunge Karida into eternal darkness. With the aid of a group of courageous knights from the Orders of Haldra, the kingdom rallied under the leadership of Lord Olf, a skilled warrior and a devout follower of Haldra. Through bravery, sacrifice, and the blessings of their goddess, Karida emerged victorious, banishing Malachor and restoring light and hope to the land.   Throughout its history, Karida has experienced periods of intrigue, diplomatic maneuvers, and battles against formidable adversaries. Feudal lords and noble houses vied for power, their ambitions sometimes threatening the unity of the kingdom. Yet, the monarchy, supported by the influential clergy and the knightly orders, managed to navigate these challenges and maintain the kingdom's integrity.   The Kingdom of Karida has also witnessed explorations beyond its borders. Adventurous knights set forth on epic quests, venturing into uncharted territories, and discovering hidden realms and forgotten civilizations. Their expeditions brought back not only knowledge but also precious artifacts and mystical relics, further enriching Karida's cultural heritage.   As the kingdom enters the present era under the reign of Queen Eirina, it faces new trials and opportunities. The shifting dynamics of power in Orynthia, the kingdom's geographical isolation, and the demands of an ever-changing world present both risks and possibilities. The resilience, faith, and unity that have defined Karida throughout its history will be tested once more as the kingdom seeks to safeguard its traditions and forge a prosperous future.

Demography and Population

The Kingdom of Karida is home to a diverse population that encompasses various ethnicities, cultures, and social groups. The demographics of Karida are shaped by the geographical features and settlements within its borders.   The majority of the population resides in the central regions of the kingdom, particularly in the fertile lands surrounding the capital city of Lyriath. Here, bustling towns and villages dot the landscape, providing a hub for economic activities and social interaction. The population density gradually decreases as one ventures further away from the central regions towards the kingdom's fringes.   The coastal areas, facing the Gulf of Karida and Noordcross, are home to fishing communities and harbour towns that thrive on maritime trade. These regions attract a significant population engaged in seafaring and coastal activities.   The northern territories, bordering the frozen wastelands inhabited by barbarian tribes, have sparse populations, primarily consisting of hardy settlers who have adapted to the harsh conditions. These lands serve as a buffer zone between the kingdom and the wild frontiers, contributing to the defence and security of Karida.


The Kingdom of Karida occupies a substantial territory located in the northern part of the eastern continent of Essateressa. The kingdom's domain encompasses a diverse range of landscapes, including fertile plains, sprawling forests, majestic mountains, and the shores of the Gulf of Karida. The core territories of Karida consist of the ancestral lands, which have been held by the ruling dynasty for generations. These lands form the heartland of the kingdom and include the capital city of Orynthia, where the grand Vanamac Palace stands as the seat of the monarchy. Other notable towns and cities within the core territories include Everwood, known for its enchanting forests, and Silverport, a bustling port city on the Gulf of Karida.   Beyond the core territories, Karida has expanded its influence through a combination of diplomatic alliances, strategic marriages, and, at times, military conquest. Some territories were peacefully assimilated into the kingdom, while others were acquired through force or diplomatic maneuvering. These regions vary in their degree of integration and loyalty to the crown.   One such territory is the rugged mountainous region of Ravenspire, located to the east of the core territories. The land is known for its formidable peaks, treacherous passes, and hidden valleys. Lord Cedric, a loyal vassal of the Karidan crown, rules over Ravenspire and has successfully defended the region against external threats, earning the respect and support of the monarchy.   To the north, Karida's influence extends to the contested borderlands of Frostfall. This frigid and harsh region is home to scattered barbarian tribes, often engaged in skirmishes and power struggles among themselves. Lord Reginald, a skilled military commander and vassal of the Karidan crown, maintains a precarious hold over Frostfall, using a combination of military might and diplomatic alliances to secure the kingdom's interests.   In the southern coastal areas, Karida maintains several prosperous port cities, such as Coralhaven and Suncrest. These bustling trading hubs serve as gateways to the southern sea routes and are essential for Karida's commerce and naval power. Vassal lords and local administrators oversee the governance and economic activities in these territories, ensuring the kingdom's presence and influence in vital maritime trade.   The process of assimilation and colonization continues in certain frontier regions. The Kingdom of Karida seeks to expand its reach into the uncharted territories beyond the eastern mountains and the frozen wastes to the north. Exploration and colonization efforts are underway, with vassal lords and brave adventurers leading expeditions to establish new settlements and fortifications, gradually integrating these lands into the kingdom's domain.   Overall, the Kingdom of Karida maintains a diverse and expansive territory, ranging from the core ancestral lands to newly acquired regions and aspiring colonies. The loyalty of vassals, the support of the military, and the careful balance between diplomacy and force are crucial for the monarchy to uphold its authority and expand its influence in this dynamic and ever-evolving realm.


The laws of the Kingdom of Karida are rooted in a combination of secular legislation and religious principles. They are created, amended, and interpreted by a collaboration between the monarchy, the feudal lords, and the religious authorities. The primary sources of law in Karida are the royal decrees issued by the monarch, which outline the rules and regulations governing various aspects of society. These decrees cover a wide range of matters, including crime, property rights, commerce, taxation, and legal procedures. The monarch, as the ultimate authority, has the power to issue and enforce these laws, often with the advice and counsel of advisors and legal experts.   Religious laws and customs play a significant role in the legal system of Karida. The teachings of the state religion, guided by the high priests and the cathedral hierarchy, are considered sources of moral and ethical principles that influence the legal framework. The religious authorities provide guidance on matters related to family law, marriage, inheritance, and matters of faith.   Laws and legal precedents are typically stored and documented in various formats. Official royal decrees and legal pronouncements are often recorded in written manuscripts, stored in royal archives and libraries. Additionally, the religious texts and teachings of the state religion, including religious laws and moral guidelines, are transcribed and preserved in sacred texts, such as illuminated manuscripts and holy scriptures.   Enforcement of the law in Karida is carried out by a combination of state authorities, local officials, and the royal guard. Local lords and their appointed administrators are responsible for maintaining law and order within their territories, overseeing the administration of justice and resolving disputes. The royal guard, acting under the authority of the monarch, ensures the enforcement of laws at the kingdom-wide level, maintaining peace and security.   Punishments for wrongdoers in Karida vary depending on the nature and severity of the offense. Common penalties include fines, public floggings, imprisonment, and forced labor. In cases of serious crimes or acts deemed as treason against the kingdom or religion, punishments may escalate to more severe measures, including exile, mutilation, or even capital punishment.   The flexibility and escapability of the law in Karida can be influenced by various factors, including social status, wealth, and the involvement of influential individuals. The feudal structure of society may result in certain privileges and leniency for nobility or high-ranking officials, while commoners and those without significant connections may face stricter enforcement. However, the monarch's commitment to justice and fairness, along with the influence of religious teachings on upholding morality, strive to maintain a sense of equity and accountability within the legal system.

Agriculture & Industry

The Kingdom of Karida is primarily an agricultural power, relying on its fertile lands and diverse farming practices to sustain its population. The seasonal shifts play a significant role in shaping the activities that support the kingdom's agricultural facet.   During the short but productive summers, the Karidans engage in extensive farming, cultivating cereal crops such as wheat, barley, and oats. Fruit orchards yield a variety of fruits, including apples, pears, and berries, while vegetable gardens abound with crops like potatoes, carrots, and cabbage. These agricultural activities are vital for ensuring food security during the harsh winter months when access to fresh produce becomes limited.   To prepare for the long and challenging winters, the Karidans employ various preservation techniques, such as drying, pickling, and fermenting, to store food supplies for the colder seasons. Preserved fruits, vegetables, and cured meats are essential in sustaining the population when agricultural activities are not feasible.   The reliance on the sea becomes more pronounced during winter, even though parts of it freeze over. Fishing, particularly ice fishing, plays a crucial role in providing a source of fresh protein. Additionally, hunting becomes a necessity, with the Karidans seeking game such as deer, boar, and smaller animals for meat. Fur trapping is also prevalent during winter, as the pelts serve both as a source of warmth and a valuable trade commodity.   Karida possesses ample reserves of iron and other materials necessary for metalwork. Skilled blacksmiths and artisans forge tools, weapons, and various metal goods, meeting both local needs and contributing to trade with neighboring realms. The kingdom's access to the sea, particularly in the northern regions, allows for small-scale whale hunting to obtain oil, which is used for lighting, lubrication, and other purposes.   In the winter months, when travel is limited and communities are isolated, the Karidans engage in intricate craftwork to pass the time and showcase their creativity. Woodcarving, scrimshaw (intricate engravings on ivory or bone), and metalwork flourish during this period. These crafts not only serve as a form of entertainment and artistic expression but also contribute to the economy through trade and commerce.   The interplay between agriculture, preservation techniques, fishing, hunting, metalwork, and craftwork supports the Kingdom of Karida's agricultural and industrial facets, ensuring the survival, sustenance, and economic stability of the population in the face of extreme seasonal shifts and the challenges they present.

Trade & Transport

Trade within the Kingdom of Karida revolves around the movement of various products, which are primarily transported during the seasons when travel is feasible. The unique geographical challenges, such as harsh winters and limited access to the sea, influence the types of goods traded and the methods of transportation. During the spring and autumn seasons, when travel is relatively easier, there is a flurry of activity as goods are moved within and across the borders of Karida. Cereal crops, including wheat, barley, and oats, form a significant part of the trade, as they are essential for sustenance and are exchanged with neighboring regions. Preserved foods, such as dried fruits, pickled vegetables, and cured meats, are also transported, ensuring a supply of food during the long winter months.   The sea plays a vital role in trade along the coast. While the Kingdom of Karida itself does not possess a formidable navy, it relies on the maritime expertise of neighboring peoples, such as the Theronians, Setitians, and even Ardetian sailors from the far south, to facilitate trade. These seafaring partners transport goods, facilitate commerce, and connect Karida to distant lands, enabling the exchange of a wide range of products.   Land travel, on the other hand, is primarily routed through Noordcross to the south, as it provides the most accessible route for overland trade. Caravans and traders traverse this passage, transporting goods between Karida and other regions, including valuable commodities such as metals, textiles, and luxury items.   The specific products being traded vary depending on the region and the needs of the respective trading partners. Karida's rich natural resources, including furs, contribute to the trade market, especially during the winter when they become particularly sought after. Crafted goods, such as intricate woodwork, scrimshaw, and metalwork, are also valued commodities that are transported and traded both within and beyond Karida's borders.   The movement and trading of goods in and around the Kingdom of Karida are influenced by the challenges posed by the harsh winters and limited naval capabilities. Leveraging the expertise and cooperation of neighboring seafaring nations and relying on established land routes through Noordcross, Karida maintains a vibrant trade network that sustains its economy, fosters cultural exchange, and ensures access to essential goods and resources.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
  • Tundraka Hold
  • Vaelwood
  • Frostbrunn
  • Luthvyrn
  • Amberwatch
  • Bannswatch
  • Glimmfen
  • Nordenholme
  • Hallowmead
  • Dunvern
Karidan Crown
Major Exports
  • Fur and Animal Products
  • Preserved Foods
  • Crafted Artifacts and Intricate Goods
  • Cultural and Artistic Productions
Major Imports
  • Timber and wood products.
  • Luxury goods, such as fine textiles and spices
  • Fruits, vegetables, and other perishable food items
  • Specialized metalwork and manufactured goods
Official State Religion
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by Thomas Whitehouse
Character flag image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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