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Middle Sea

The Middle Sea is a large, body of saltwater that lies between the Namorian Continent  and the Southern Continent. It is bounded to the east by the Great Ocean  Ocean and to the west by the Hanaan Isthmus . The Middle Sea has played a crucial role in facilitating trade, migrations, and cultural exchanges among the peoples and civilizations that have thrived along its shores.   The Middle Sea has various names such as:
  • Old Thalosian - Cenara Thalas
  • Acathian - Vedri Selu
  • Hanaan - Tasur Alkamar
  • Kep'Dhori - Gorhur’val


The Middle Sea is characterized by its temperate climate, with warm summers and mild winters. Its shores are diverse, ranging from sandy beaches to rocky cliffs and fertile deltas. There are also numerous islands dotting the sea, some of which have played significant roles in history as trade centres, naval bases, or cultural hubs. The Middle Sea’s calm waters and predictable wind patterns have made it favourable for navigation, contributing to its historical significance as a conduit for trade and communication.

Localized Phenomena

The Middle Sea features several localized phenomena that characterize its waters and surrounding regions:
  • Mara's Embrace - A phenomenon that occurs near the Hanaan Isthmus, where a warm water current meets a cooler one, causing a thick fog to envelop the area. Local folklore tells of Mara, a sea goddess, embracing those who dare navigate the waters. Fishermen consider it a blessing, while others see it as a warning.
  • The Whistling Isles - A small archipelago in the Middle Sea known for the eerie whistling sounds that can be heard, especially during the night. This is caused by the wind blowing through the naturally hollowed-out rocks and caves. Locals believe that the whistling is the sound of ancient spirits communicating with each other.
  • Avelor's Lanterns - A bioluminescent plankton bloom that occurs annually in a particular bay of the Middle Sea. The luminescent properties of the plankton turn the waters into a sparkling, ethereal blue. It is named after Avelor, an ancient Thalosian sea explorer who was said to have discovered the phenomenon and considered it a guiding light for sailors.
  • The Weeping Cliffs - Found along a stretch Mundalodem’s southern coastline, these cliffs have springs that cascade down them. The constant trickling of water has led to the formation of salt crystals, and from a distance, it appears as if the cliffs are weeping. There are several myths surrounding these cliffs, and they are often a site for pilgrimages.
  • The Vaeloran Salt Maze - Near the Vaeloran Coast, an area of shallow waters contains an intricate pattern of naturally formed salt bars. These salt bars create a maze-like structure during low tide. While beautiful, it poses a navigation challenge and has been the cause of shipwrecks for unprepared sailors.
  • Dancer's Wind - A localized wind pattern found in a specific region of the Middle Sea, known for abruptly changing direction. Acathian Isolate sailors who have mastered using this wind can perform what looks like a dance with their ships across the water. Local festivals sometimes include sailing competitions that take advantage of the Dancer’s Wind.
  • Thalas Rings - Sometimes, sailors crossing the Middle Sea witness perfect circular waves emanating from a point in the sea. There is no consensus on what causes these rings, but sailors consider it good luck to witness them. Some believe they are caused by sea monsters, while others think they might be remnants of ancient Thalosian water magic.

Fauna & Flora

The Middle Sea, being a vast and biologically diverse marine ecosystem, is home to an array of flora and fauna. Some of the noteworthy species include:


  • Eldra Kelp - A luminous, large seaweed that forms dense underwater forests in the deeper waters of the Middle Sea. The leaves of the Eldra kelp emit a soft glow during the night, which is believed to be a form of communication among the plants.
  • Golden Ribbon Grass - Found along the shores of the Middle Sea, this seagrass has distinctive golden stripes along its leaves. The grass is known for its sturdiness and is often used by the local populace in weaving baskets and mats.
  • Heliora Algae - A unique algae that thrives in the rocky shallows, notable for its vivid, multicolored hues that change with the position of the sun. It is often used by Acathi people as a natural dye.
  • Silvercap Coral - This is a slow-growing coral characterized by a shimmering silver crown on each polyp. When the moon is full, the corals have a luminescent appearance due to the reflection of moonlight on their silver crowns.
  • Golden Kelp - This is a unique variety of kelp found in the Middle Sea, identifiable by its golden-hued fronds. It is often harvested for its medicinal properties and is a staple in Thalmorian cuisine.
  • Sapphire Blossom Seagrass - This underwater seagrass is known for its small, bright blue flowers that bloom once a year. The sight of a seabed covered in Sapphire Blossom Seagrass in full bloom is considered one of the Middle Sea’s natural wonders.


  • Marbled Mantarays - Majestic creatures with marbled patterns on their backs, the Marbled Mantarays are native to the Middle Sea. They are a common sight near the Hanaan Isthmus, where they feed on Mara's Embrace’s planktons.
  • Oris Fish - Known for their orichalcum-like scales, these fish are often considered a treasure. The scales are used in jewelry making, and catching an Oris fish is believed to bring good fortune to the fisherman and his village.
  • Aerolas Birds - These seabirds have evolved an extraordinary ability to swim underwater as well as fly. They have colorful feathers and are known to create floating nests using the Eldra Kelp. Their eggs, known as Sea Jewels, are considered a delicacy.
  • Sea Serpent of Thalas - A mythical creature, it is said to dwell in the deepest parts of the Middle Sea. The serpent is believed to be a guardian of ancient Thalosian relics submerged within the sea.
  • Vaeloran Shell-Crab - Found near the Vaeloran coast, these crabs have uniquely structured shells that resemble ancient runes. They are considered sacred by the Kep'Dhori people.
  • Azure Dolphins - Intelligent and playful, these dolphins are known for their azure blue color and their acrobatic displays. They are believed to guide lost sailors back to shore and are revered as sacred guardians of the Middle Sea.
  • Whispering Jellyfish - This jellyfish species is known for the faint humming sound it produces, which can be heard when large groups come near the surface. The sound is due to the vibration of their delicate tentacles in the water.
  • Storm Petrels of Avelor - These small seabirds are named after the ancient Thalosian sea explorer, Avelor. They are known to appear just before a storm and are considered by sailors as a sign to seek safe harbor.
  • Coral Snappers - A species of fish that has a symbiotic relationship with the coral reefs in the Middle Sea. They are vibrantly colored and are known for their ability to snap their jaws loudly when catching prey or when threatened.
The rich diversity of flora and fauna in the Middle Sea is deeply interwoven with the cultures of the people who inhabit its shores. The natural wonders of the sea have given rise to numerous myths, traditions, and economic practices in the surrounding regions.


With the rise of the Namorian Republic, the Middle Sea became a focal point for military campaigns and economic ambitions. The Republic established dominance over the sea, securing vital trade routes and incorporating the various cultures into its sprawling empire. This led to a period of relative stability and prosperity during which trade and cultural exchange flourished across the Middle Sea.

Economic Significance

The Middle Sea has been an economic lifeline for the civilizations surrounding it. It is rich in fish, and its shores and islands are fertile, suitable for agriculture, especially olives, grapes, and various grains. Moreover, the sea acts as a transit point for trade between the east and the west, with goods such as spices, silk, metals, and wine being traded.

Cultural Exchange

The cultures that have developed around the Middle Sea are diverse and rich. The ease of travel across the sea allowed for the exchange of ideas, art, language, and religion. This has led to a unique melting pot, where traditions blend and adapt. Festivals, cuisine, and artistic styles have clear influences from various cultures, and many languages around the Middle Sea have loan words from each other.
Alternative Name(s)
Cenara Thalas, Vedri Selu, Tasur Alkamar, Gorhur’val
Related Ethnicities
Contested By
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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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