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The Legend of Avalor

"The Ballad of Avalor, with its entwined tales of Thalosians and Thalesi, is akin to a whisper from a bygone era, but so deeply ingrained and assimilated into the tapestry of Namorian culture that discerning the echo of ancient kinship from mere shared mythology becomes an exercise in futility."
- Ardena Virellis, "Cultural Assimilation and Folklore in the Eastern Province," 309 RE.
    In ancient times, when the world was still young and the waves of the Great Ocean were yet untamed, there was a mariner named Avalor. Avalor was born to the Zeth Thalosi, the ancestors of the Thalosians, who had sailed across the Great Ocean and settled along the Oram Coast. As a child, Avalor was enraptured by the stories of his people's ancestral journeys across the boundless seas, and he dreamt of navigating the mysterious and uncharted waters.   When Avalor grew into a man, he built a ship called the "Zephyr's Grace," which was said to have sails woven from the golden threads of the moon and a hull crafted from ancient trees that whispered the secrets of the sea. Avalor embarked on his voyages, sailing further than any Thalosian before him, driven by a relentless desire to uncover the secrets of the world.   One day, during his journeys, Avalor was caught in a tempest. The waves surged, and the winds howled as if the gods themselves were enraged. As his ship was tossed about, Avalor did not waver. It is said that Zephyr, the wind god, was so impressed with his courage that he guided Avalor through the storm.   When the storm abated, Avalor found himself on the shores of what is now called the Acathi Peninsula. He was greeted by people with eyes like the Thalosians, and customs that echoed through time. These were the Thalesi, and Avalor recognized in them a kinship, like echoes of a song sung long ago.   Avalor stayed with the Thalesi for a time, and he was shown an ancient artefact known as the Sceptre of Tides. It was said to have been wielded by the very first Thalosian voyager, who was also the founder of the Thalesi. Avalor felt an overwhelming connection to the artefact. He realized that the Thalesi and the Thalosians were not just kindred spirits but were likely descendants of the same ancient seafarers.   As Avalor prepared to leave the Thalesian Plains, the elders of the Thalesi bestowed upon him a talisman made of seashells and moonstones, which they said would keep him safe on his journeys. They believed that Avalor was destined to reunite the Thalosians and Thalesi in spirit.   Avalor returned to the Oram Coast, but the sea still called to him. His last voyage, the most legendary, was into the heart of the Great Ocean. It is said that as he sailed, the water calmed, and a path of moonlight stretched to the horizon. Avalor followed the path and was never seen again.   Legend has it that Avalor's spirit was taken by the sea to guide other mariners, and on quiet nights, when the moon is full, sailors can hear the whisper of Avalor in the waves, guiding them home.   Even today, Avalor is revered among the Thalosians and the Thalmorians as the epitome of exploration and kinship, and his legend is whispered from generation to generation. The Storm Petrels, which appear before tempests, are considered Avalor's emissaries, warning sailors of the coming storms.   The talisman given to Avalor by the Thalesi is said to have been passed down through generations and is believed to be safeguarded by the ancient mariners' descendants, awaiting the day when the Thalosians and Thalesi will reunite.


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Cover image: by By tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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