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Great Ocean

The Great Ocean, known as "Gorhur'ak" in Dhor'kari, "Terran Veel" in Theron, "Lani-Hari" in Lanathi, and "Kar-havon" in Karidan, is a massive body of water lying to the east of the Namorian Continent. This immense maritime expanse separates Namoria from the eastern continent, creating a broad aquatic bridge teeming with challenges and opportunities alike. Despite its vastness and perilous nature, the Great Ocean has long been a stage for Namorian seafaring prowess and economic endeavour.   Unprecedented in size, the Great Ocean is believed to stretch from the north to the south of the planet, but due to its vastness and the inherent risks of long-distance sea travel, it remains incompletely explored. Within the heart of the Ocean lie the Olkair Islands, also known as the Midpoint Islands, a chain of volcanic islands that straddle the oceanic divide. The largest of these, Ranolk, is home to the Olkair Volcano, revered as the dwelling place of the primordial volcano god Olk.   While not densely populated, the largest island of this chain harbours a town and a small slaver outpost. The Olkair Islands, largely beyond the direct governance of any significant political entity, have earned a reputation as a lawless frontier, a refuge for pirates, cultists, and independent enterprises. While the Namorian Republic doesn't lay direct claim to the islands, it has permitted various guilds to establish an association there, adding to the mosaic of power dynamics.   The Great Ocean is renowned for its brutal, tempestuous storms, particularly during the late winter and early spring, turning the already daunting expanse into a seafarer's nightmare. Despite the hazards, skilled Namorian seafarers ply the Ocean's roiling waves, venturing as far as West Theron and Cademor. Maritime journeys during the stormy season are regarded as perilous ventures, with only the most daring or reckless attempting to traverse the Ocean's expanse during this time.   There's a peculiar tradition amongst the seafaring community: a competition, though unofficial, exists among various companies and enterprises to be the first to navigate the Great Ocean in the new year. This risky venture often leads to the loss of numerous ships and lives, a grim toll exacted by captains recklessly chasing fortune and fame. Yet, the lure of recognition and the promise of untold wealth from unchallenged trade often outweigh the inherent risks. Despite these attempts, there exists a 'black window', two dates within which no vessel has successfully made the direct route between the Eastern Province and West Theron.
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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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