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Mundalodem Frontier Command

The Mundalodem Frontier Command was the military authority that existed prior to the establishment of the Governorate of Far Mundalodem and Governorate of Near Mundalodem. Established in 80 RE at the onset of the Namorian invasions into Mundalodem, the Frontier Command was responsible for overseeing military operations throughout the Greater Mundalodem region, which included both Near and Far Mundalodem.   The Frontier Command was led by a General, appointed by the War Council of the Namorian Republic, and comprised of armies from Namoria, Acathi Peninsula, and Western Namoria. The role of the Command was to conquer and maintain control over the Mundalodem territories, secure the borders against potential threats, and facilitate the eventual transition to civilian rule.   In 122 RE, when Near Mundalodem was declared a governorate, the responsibilities of the Fronter Command were reduced, and its focus shifted primarily to Far Mundalodem. However, unlike most conquered territories, Far Mundalodem's transition to civilian rule was protracted due to unexpected levels of unrest and resistance. The MFC continued its operations for several decades until a relative peace was achieved.   The full Governorate of Far Mundalodem was not established until 202 RE, a much longer duration than typical for the Namorian Republic. This prolonged military control led to an unusual situation where more armies remained settled in Far Mundalodem than in other governorates. These additional military forces have since become a unique characteristic of the region, contributing to its distinctive identity within the Namorian Republic.


The Mundalodem Frontier Command comprised several army and navy assets throughout its existence, primarily drawn from other provinces of the Namorian Republic and assigned to Far Mundalodem. The rotation of these forces was a common practice, allowing for the experience and skillset to adapt to the changing demands of the region. As per the information provided, the assets of the Frontier Command evolved over time, as follows:
  • 80 RE - Establishment of MFC - At its establishment in 80 RE, the MFC comprised the 5th, 7th, and 10th armies of the Republic, brought in from the Acathi, Namoria, and Western Namoria provinces respectively. The 1st Fleet from Namoria was assigned to secure the sea routes and provide logistical support.
  • 97 RE - Consolidation and Expansion - As the Frontier Command shifted towards consolidation in 97 RE under General Volusenus, the 10th Army was rotated out and replaced by the 15th Army from the Acathi province, chosen for their experience in pacification and building relations with locals.
  • 112 RE - Conquest of Far Mundalodem - To support the aggressive push into Far Mundalodem in 112 RE, the Frontier Command was reinforced with the 9th Army from Western Namoria and the 14th Army from the Acathi province. These armies were chosen for their experience in extensive campaigns and challenging terrains.
  • 122 RE - Establishment of Near Mundalodem Governorate - With the establishment of the Near Mundalodem Governorate in 122 RE, the 5th and 9th Armies were transferred there to form the initial Provincial Guard. To replace these assets, the 17th Army from Namoria and the newly formed 23rd Army, composed mainly of local recruits, were brought in.
  • 127 RE - Premature Victory - With the premature declaration of victory in 127 RE, the 7th, 15th, and 23rd Armies were rotated out, leaving the 14th and 17th Armies to maintain the peace. The 1st Fleet was also recalled back to Namoria.
  • 129 RE - Revolts and Stabilization Attempts  - The outbreak of revolts in 129 RE prompted the rotation of the 14th Army out and the bringing in of the 18th and 24th Armies from Namoria and Acathi provinces, chosen for their discipline and resilience.
  • 182 RE - Final Push and Pacification - In 182 RE, with the appointment of General Gnaeus Tullius, the 17th Army was rotated out and replaced with the 20th Army from the Acathi province, an army known for its ability to quell unrest. This set the stage for the final pacification of Far Mundalodem.
  • 200 RE - Transition to Governorate - At the transition to the Governorate in 202 RE, the 18th, 20th, and 24th Armies remained stationed in the region, forming the core of the Provincial Guard for the new Governorate of Far Mundalodem. These forces were supplemented by local recruits to maintain the peace in the now-stable province.
The military conquest and pacification of Far Mundalodem by the Mundalodem Frontier Command were massive undertakings that extended over a period of more than a century. The following estimates, while based on the best available records and scholarly analysis, are nonetheless subject to the limitations of the historical sources.
  • Manpower - Over the course of the MFC's operation from 80 RE to 202 RE, an estimated total of around 220,000 troops were deployed, encompassing eleven different armies. The force composition ranged from long-standing armies of the Namorian Republic, each composed of approximately 4,000-5,000 troops, to new formations primarily recruited from local populations.
  • Naval Assets - The naval engagement was concentrated around the 1st Fleet from Namoria, which provided critical support in securing sea routes and delivering logistical backing. The 1st Fleet, at its full complement, comprised approximately 70 vessels of varying types, including triremes, quadriremes, and quinqueremes, along with various supply and transport ships.
  • Casualties - The complexity of the campaign and the difficulties of keeping accurate records in the face of frequent troop rotations and changes in command mean that casualty figures are subject to considerable uncertainty. However, it's estimated that the Republic suffered around 40,000 military casualties throughout the course of the campaign. This figure includes not only soldiers killed in combat, but also those who died from disease, malnutrition, and other non-combat causes, a common reality in prolonged military campaigns.
  • Citizenship Earned - Given the Namorian Republic's policy of granting citizenship to those who serve in the military, the protracted campaign in Far Mundalodem offered a unique opportunity for many individuals to earn this status. It's believed that over the course of the campaign, approximately 60,000 individuals, both native and from other regions, earned their Namorian citizenship through service in the Frontier Command. This figure has been derived from a close examination of military rolls, pension lists, and other administrative records and represents a significant contribution to the diversification and expansion of the Namorian citizenry.


  • General Haelius 'The Hammer' Trasanius (80 RE - 97 RE) - General Haelius Trasanius, famously known as 'The Hammer of Namor', was the inaugural General of the Mundalodem Frontier Command. His initial aggressive campaigns in 80 RE quickly seized control over a vast territory, setting the stage for Near Mundalodem's eventual declaration as a governorate. However, Trasanius' destructive methods and disregard for local customs and structures instigated significant unrest and resentment among the conquered populace. Recognizing the unsustainability of Trasanius' approach, the War Council decided to replace him in 97 RE.
  • General Lurco Abuccius (97 RE - 110 RE) - Appointed as the successor of 'The Hammer', General Lurco Abuccius brought a more considerate approach to his position. Abuccius focused on consolidating the gains made in Near Mundalodem, while initiating exploratory scouting operations into Far Mundalodem. His tactics included more negotiation and cooperation with local tribes, which helped to ease some of the unrest left in the wake of Trasanius' aggressive campaign. Abuccius' work set the groundwork for a more successful integration of Near Mundalodem into the Republic. He retired in 110 RE.
  • General Messiena Nasennia (110 RE - 123 RE) - Messiena Nasennia, the successor of Abuccius, was the first woman to command the MFC and make a significant impact on the Republic's military affairs. Criticizing her predecessor for his caution, Nasennia launched an all-out conquest of Far Mundalodem in 112 RE. Her campaigns, while successful, were not completed during her tenure. In 122 RE, when Near Mundalodem was declared a governorate, Nasennia was offered the governorship, which she accepted, leaving a lasting legacy that encouraged more women to pursue careers in the military.
  • General Scribonius Mucianus (123 RE - 129 RE) - Nasennia was succeeded by the ambitious and eager Scribonius Mucianus. Mucianus inherited an overstretched army in the middle of a power transition. Nevertheless, through unconventional tactics, recruitment of local militias, and tribal auxiliaries from Western Namoria, he prematurely declared the conquest of Far Mundalodem complete in 127 RE. Unable to transition his forces effectively from war to peacekeeping, Mucianus' time in command was marred by several revolts, and he was eventually removed from duty in 129 RE. His dismissal marked a shift in the MFC's approach to Far Mundalodem, beginning a long period of trial and error as the Republic sought a more effective strategy for the region.
  • General Caius Pontidius (129 RE - 134 RE) - The period following General Mucianus's dismissal was marked by turmoil and indecision. The War Council's first choice to resolve the situation in Far Mundalodem was Caius Pontidius. A competent and experienced commander, Pontidius sought to balance force with diplomacy, but his tactics failed to stem the growing unrest. In a significant setback for the War Council's ambitions, Pontidius and a large portion of his army were killed in an ambush in 134 RE, casting further doubt on the viability of maintaining control over Far Mundalodem.
  • General Marcius Drusus (134 RE - 142 RE)- Marcius Drusus, the next General of the MFC, was initially successful in his attempts to quell the revolts. However, his heavy-handed measures led to more resentment amongst the populace, and by the end of his tenure in 142 RE, the area was more volatile than before his appointment.
  • General Servia Aemilia (142 RE - 150 RE) - In an attempt to recalibrate their approach, the War Council appointed Servia Aemilia, the first female general to lead the MFC after Nasennia. Aemilia attempted a softer approach, focusing on peacekeeping and appeasement. Her policies provided a brief respite, but ultimately failed to create a lasting peace. The temporary calm was shattered in 150 RE when Aemilia was assassinated, plunging the province into chaos.
  • Interim Period (150 RE - 155 RE) - Following Aemilia's assassination, the War Council deliberated for several years over a successor, with multiple short-term, interim generals placed in charge of Far Mundalodem. During this time, the situation in the province deteriorated further, leading to more serious discussions about potentially abandoning the region.
  • General Tertullus Seius (155 RE - 160 RE) - General Tertullus Seius' rule was marked by an absence of significant progress, with the situation in Far Mundalodem neither improving nor deteriorating drastically. Seius was unable to inspire his troops or instigate meaningful change. He was replaced in 160 RE.
  • Interim Leader Aulus Junius (160 RE - 163 RE) - Following Seius' removal, the War Council struggled to find a suitable replacement, so Aulus Junius, a prominent legate, was given interim command. Junius attempted to stabilize the situation and maintain order, but his tenure was largely seen as a placeholder period until a more experienced general could be appointed.
  • General Titus Valerius (163 RE - 166 RE) - Titus Valerius was appointed in 163 RE, bringing with him a wealth of experience from other campaigns. He sought to win over the local populace through extensive public works and diplomatic overtures. Unfortunately, his tenure was cut short when he succumbed to a sudden outbreak of a local plague in 166 RE, which took the lives of many soldiers and officers.
  • Interim Leader Flavius Terentius (166 RE - 169 RE) - Following the death of Valerius, the MFC faced another leadership vacuum. Flavius Terentius, another legate, was appointed as an interim leader. Terentius was tasked with managing the fallout of the plague, and his time in command was marked by the difficult task of rebuilding and reforming the army.
  • General Publius Corbulo (169 RE - 174 RE) - Publius Corbulo, a stern and seasoned general, was appointed to bring stability and order in 169 RE. He made significant strides in restructuring the command structure of the MFC and implementing strict discipline. However, his harsh measures bred discontent among the ranks, leading to a mutiny in 174 RE. Corbulo was killed in the uprising.
  • General Gaius Petronius (174 RE - 182 RE) - Gaius Petronius took over the MFC in 174 RE amidst a tumultuous period of revolt and rebellion within the army. Petronius, known for his diplomacy and tact, managed to quell the internal unrest and stabilize the command over the next few years. His command, however, failed to make significant strides in pacifying the Far Mundalodem region or establishing firm Republic control.
  • General Artorius Verus (182 RE - 200 RE) - The War Council, in a final effort to stabilize Far Mundalodem, appointed Artorius Verus, a veteran general from the noble family of Acathi. Verus, with his significant experience in quashing bandits and raiders in Dagmit, brought a fresh perspective to the ongoing situation. Using a combination of military genius and a deep understanding of the local culture, Verus managed to quell the remaining resistance, stabilizing the region and paving the way for the eventual formation of the Governorate of Far Mundalodem in 202 RE. Verus served until his health began to fail in 200 RE, marking the end of the tumultuous military command in Far Mundalodem.
  • General Decimus Verus (200 RE - 202 RE) - Following his father's retirement, Decimus Verus took over the command of the MFC. His tenure, however, was short and relatively uneventful. The tranquility brought about by his father's administration continued, and he presided over the transition from military command to governorate in 202 RE. However, rather than accepting the governorship, he declined, having grown tired of the hardships and remoteness of Far Mundalodem, and wishing to return home.

80 RE - 202 RE

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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney