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War Council

The War Council is an essential institution within the Octarchy, the upper chamber of the Namorian Republic's bicameral legislature. The War Council, presided over by an Octarch, holds the responsibility for overseeing the Republic's military affairs, specifically the Namorian Navy and Army. The Octarch at the helm is elected by the other seven members of the Octarchy and is usually assisted by nominated Voicebearers from the lower Chamber of Voices. Additionally, the Octarch may appoint assistant Octarchs, particularly in times of crisis or war.

Responsibilities and Authority

The War Council allocates funds, sets objectives, and issues orders to the Namorian Navy and Army. It is also responsible for nominating legates and admirals. In certain scenarios, it may appoint Grand Admirals, responsible for commanding multiple fleets in a theatre, or Generals who command multiple armies. These ranks are typically temporary and are used to address specific military challenges or campaigns. While the Octarchy as a whole must vote on declarations of war, requiring a majority to proceed, smaller military actions can be authorised solely by the War Council. This grants the Octarch, along with generals and admirals, substantial latitude in conducting military operations. However, due to the high stakes nature of these actions, decisions are often made cautiously, considering the political and military repercussions.

Limitations and Tactical Management

Though vested with significant authority, the War Council generally does not involve itself in the day-to-day operations or tactical decisions of the military. While there have been instances of the Council trying to exert influence over tactics, the Namorian Navy and Army typically have autonomy in this domain. This autonomy has allowed them to develop unique specialities and tactics over time.

Relationship with Regional Forces

It is important to note that the War Council does not have authority over regional guards or wardens; this responsibility falls to provincial governors. This delineation of authority ensures checks and balances between the regional and national military forces. Nevertheless, when an army or navy base is established within a province, that base falls under the direct control of the respective military branch, rather than the province.


The War Council plays a crucial role in maintaining the defence and security of the Namorian Republic. Through strategic oversight and management, it ensures that the military is well-equipped and prepared for any threats that may arise. The balance between centralised authority and autonomy of the military branches allows for an adaptable and robust defence system within the Republic.
Civil Services
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Articles under War Council

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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