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Governorate of Far Mundalodem

The Governorate of Far Mundalodem is a province of the Namorian Republic, located in the a western region of the Republic. Established in 202 RE, the governorate demotrates the region's resilience, its rich heritage, and its integration into the Republic despite its remote location and tumultuous history.



The Governorate of Far Mundalodem is an expansive province, covering the area traditionally referred to as Far Mundalodem. It shares borders with Near Mundalodem to the east, the Acathi Peninsula to the south east. To north are the Altair Mountains, and beyond that is the vast northern region of Transaltair. To it's south west is Western Namoria Despite its distance from the Republic's heartland, the governorate plays a crucial role in the Republic's overland trade and exploration of the Transaltair region.   The capital of the governorate is Koranta, a city that has grown significantly since its establishment. The region's populace is a mix of native Mundalodin tribes, settlers from other parts of the Republic, and Hanaan remnants from past invasions.


The governorate is led by a Governor, selected by the Committee of the Provinces. Once appointed, Governors are largely autonomous in managing their provinces, provided they uphold the peace and fulfill their tax obligations to the central government. The first Governor of Far Mundalodem was Kaelus Tranor.   Beneath the Governor, the provincial government consists of local officials responsible for administering various districts within the governorate. The Governor also commands a provincial guard force, known as the Wardens of the Far Reaches, who serve to maintain law and order and protect the province from potential threats.   While the province is mostly self-governed, it does host Namorian Army and Namorian Navy bases, overseen directly by the central government's War Council. These bases serve as a vital link between the central Republic and the governorate and provide added military support.


The culture of the Governorate of Far Mundalodem is a blend of Namorian traditions, local @Mundalodem customs, and remnants of Hanaan influence. The daily life of its inhabitants is largely influenced by their pastoral and agricultural lifestyle, interspersed with the Namorian cultural and administrative norms. A sense of community and mutual aid is prominent, a throwback to the survival-driven societal structure of Mundalodem's past. However, the influence of the Namorian Republic is visible in the government structure, legal system, and education.   The Republic's policy of granting citizenship to children of Namorians, those serving in the military, or those registered during a census at the time of incorporation has led to a dualistic societal structure. Urban dwellers, often registered citizens, enjoy a higher status and privileges compared to their rural counterparts. This division has led to occasional tensions, but it has also fostered a robust dialogue about citizenship and rights within the governorate.

Public Agenda

The Governorate of Far Mundalodem operates under the broader umbrella of the Namorian Republic, but the relative freedom and autonomy granted by the Committee of the Provinces allow it to pursue its unique public agenda. This agenda is shaped primarily by the Governor and the provincial government and focuses on the welfare and prosperity of the region. The Governorate of Far Mundalodem seeks to develop its economy, primarily agriculture and overland trade, while also leveraging its strategic location for exploration of the Transaltair region. The administration recognizes the region's richness in culture and history and is dedicated to preserving and promoting its unique heritage.   With a significant portion of its population having served in the Namorian Army during the invasion of West Theron, the Governorate also works to integrate returning veterans into society and provides them with opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship. This influx of newly minted citizens has further solidified a Namorian identity within the Governorate, and there is a conscious effort to leverage this momentum to strengthen societal cohesiveness and a collective sense of purpose.   However, given the Governorate's relative isolation and lower wealth generation, the administration also advocates for its interests at the Republic level, seeking a fair share of resources, recognition, and support. This is particularly relevant given the increasing neglect by the central government due to the focus on affairs in West Theron.


Far Mundalodem has a rich and storied history dating back to around 1800 BRE, marking a transition from a nomadic lifestyle towards sedentary living. By around 1540 BRE, a cataclysmic climate shift led to societal regression and fragmentation, with many communities forced to splinter and adopt a survival-driven lifestyle.   The Governorate of Far Mundalodem was established in 202 RE, following the final subjugation of the region by the Namorian Republic. The early years were marked by occasional revolts against the Namorian rule, leading to a series of military victories by the Republic and the gradual acceptance of Namorian authority.   The Governorate's transformation has been a gradual process, with various phases of development, migration, and adaptation. The initial Governorate period was marked by an influx of Namorian settlers and the establishment of a semi-autonomous administration under the Governor. The first Governor, Kaelus Tranor, was instrumental in this early development phase.   A significant turning point in the Governorate's history was the invasion of West Theron, far across the Great Ocean, which saw a large proportion of the Governorate's population serving in the Namorian Army. Their return, coupled with the grant of citizenship, resulted in a shift in the region's identity, further integrating it into the Namorian Republic.   Today, the Governorate of Far Mundalodem stands as a testament to the region's resilience and adaptability, a fusion of its rich heritage and the cultural influence of the Namorian Republic. Despite the challenges it faces, the Governorate continues to thrive, driven by its unique blend of past heritage and future aspirations.

Demography and Population

The Governorate of Far Mundalodem has a population largely comprised of rural dwellers. Owing to historical plagues, the inhabitants have developed a deep-rooted aversion to crowded city living. This societal memory, reinforced through myths and legends, has also influenced the region's development, limiting the growth of large urban centers and emphasizing a rural, community-based lifestyle. Despite being citizens of the Namorian Republic, the people of Far Mundalodem have retained elements of their distinctive cultural identity. This includes their traditions, customs, and a particular reverence for the land and nature. The population is diverse, with communities spanning different ethnicities and cultures, living largely in harmony.   Many of the inhabitants are veterans who served in the Namorian Army during the invasion of West Theron and returned to their homeland, further enriching the local culture with new perspectives and influences from the Republic.
Founding Date
202 RE
Geopolitical, Province
Far Mundalodem is a region marked by a mosaic of valleys, hills, and mountain ranges. To the north, the formidable Altair Mountains create a natural barrier with the lone pass at Altair serving as a crucial transit point. The region is mostly composed of rural areas with only a few significant urban centers. These are primarily built upon the remnants of ancient city-states, offering an intriguing blend of historical heritage and the practicalities of the present. The capital of the governorate is Koranta, a city rich with historical significance, being built upon the ruins of an ancient city-state. The Governor's Palace in Koranta serves as the administrative hub of the governorate, housing the offices of the Governor and his advisors.
Parent Organization
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Controlled Territories
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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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