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Mundalodem's long history of migrations, invasions, and trade interactions have led to a complex tapestry of ethnicities that have come and gone, intermingled, and persisted over the centuries. The Mundalodin are is the primary ethnicity within the regions of Near and Far Mundalodem.   Descendants of the original tribes that inhabited the region, the Mundalodin have been influenced by the continuous flow of migrants and invaders over the centuries, leading to an array of sub-ethnicities with variations in culture and language. Yet, a roughly common Mundalodin identity persists, particularly in the more remote and less traversed parts of the region.  

Sub-ethnicities and hybrids

Mundalodem's long history of migrations, invasions, and trade interactions have led to a complex tapestry of ethnicities that have come and gone, intermingled, and persisted over the centuries. Here are some of the significant ethnic groups found within Near and Far Mundalodem:
  • Dagmundal - the Dagmundal are an ethnicity within Near Mundalodem, particularly in the eastern parts near the Dagmit swamps.
  • Acamarin - The Acamarin are most prevalent in the region of Far Mundalodem that borders the Acathi Peninsula.
  • Hanaan-Mundal - Descendants of the Hanaan people who migrated into Mundalodem during the great invasions and intermingled with the local populace, the Hanaan-Mundal are primarily found in Far Mundalodem.
  • Transaltairn - In the northern parts of Mundalodem, particularly near the mountain passes leading to the Transaltair region, one finds the Transaltairn people.
  • Namor-Mundal - Post the Namorian conquest, many soldiers and settlers from Namor moved into Mundalodem.


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Articles under Mundalodin

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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