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Wardens of the Far Reaches

The Wardens of the Far Reaches is the provincial guard force of Far Mundalodem, tasked with maintaining peace and order within the province. The current leader, Warden-Commander Terius Alvor, leads the force with a steady hand and is respected by the wardens for his strategic acumen and dedication.


The Wardens of the Far Reaches is structured around localized units, each responsible for patrolling and maintaining order in a designated geographical area. These units are known as Watches, and each Watch is led by a Watch-Captain. The Warden-Commander, based in Koranta, oversees all the Watches, providing strategic guidance and ensuring that the force operates as a coherent whole.


The culture of the Wardens is deeply rooted in the rural and hardy character of Far Mundalodem. Their values emphasize resilience, loyalty, and a strong sense of community. The wardens take pride in their work, seeing themselves as protectors of the common folk against threats both internal and external. They value practical skills and wisdom, often holding the elder members of the force in high regard for their years of service and the knowledge they pass on to younger wardens.


The Wardens of the Far Reaches, while not possessing the formidable resources of an army, have assets that make them effective within their domain. They have a network of local outposts across the province and a small fleet of riverine vessels for patrolling the waterways of Far Mundalodem.


The Wardens of the Far Reaches was established in 202 RE following the transition from the military-led Mundalodem Frontier Command to a formal Governorate. Initially, the force had to compete for recruits against the several army bases in the area. However, over time, the Wardens have developed their own distinct identity and appeal, particularly among those who prefer to serve close to their homes and communities.   In its early years, the force faced significant challenges in maintaining peace in a region marked by unrest and tension. However, under the leadership of successive Warden-Commanders, the Wardens have grown into a competent and respected institution. Their role has evolved to not only maintaining law and order but also in assisting with local disputes, natural disasters, and the occasional larger threats that loom over the province. Despite their modest resources and the relative neglect of the province by the central government, the Wardens of the Far Reaches continue to serve with dedication and steadfastness, a testament to the resilient spirit of Far Mundalodem.
Founding Date
202 RE
Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Ethnicities


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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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