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The Shimmering Sickness


The Shimmering Sickness, also known as Mote Malady, is a rare and perplexing affliction that has long puzzled healers and scholars alike. This enigmatic disease is believed to be caused by the mysterious dustmotes (Habba'Ghubar) that inhabit the Great Desert known as the Dhor'kar. Those who fall victim to this malady often emerge from the depths of the desert, their minds addled and their bodies shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

Causes and Susceptibility

The exact cause of the Shimmering Sickness remains a subject of debate among learned individuals. It is generally agreed that the illness results from either massive single exposure to dustmotes or prolonged, constant exposure over time. Curiously, not all who venture into the desert or encounter dustmotes fall prey to this affliction. Even those who dwell in the deepest parts of the desert or regularly endure sandstorms seem to remain unaffected, as do some who actively seek out the dustmotes.   This peculiar selectivity has led some to speculate that the Shimmering Sickness is not merely a physical malady, but perhaps a form of divine touch or cosmic selection. Others argue that certain individuals possess an innate resistance to the effects of the dustmotes, though the nature of this resistance remains unknown.

Symptoms and Progression

The onset of the Shimmering Sickness is marked by a gradual or sudden appearance of luminescent patches on the skin, which shimmer and shift in a manner reminiscent of the dustmotes themselves. As the disease progresses, victims begin to experience increasingly vivid and disturbing visions, coupled with hallucinations that blur the line between reality and fantasy.   Perhaps the most unsettling aspect of the Shimmering Sickness is its effect on longevity. Contrary to most wasting diseases, those afflicted with this malady often live far beyond their natural lifespan, some reaching well over 140 years if properly cared for. This extended life, however, comes at the cost of one's mental faculties, which deteriorate at an alarming rate.

Accounts of the Afflicted

Many who have cared for victims of the Shimmering Sickness report bizarre and often unsettling behaviors. One such account comes from Alia, a healer from the outskirts of the Great Desert:
"I tended to old Karim for nigh on thirty years. In his lucid moments, he would ramble about the nature of existence. I recall him saying, 'Fate is not a sea or a desert, but a page, and the gods are great authors who create or kill on a whim.' His words haunted me, for they seemed to carry a weight beyond mere madness."
Another disturbing testimony comes from Jalil, a caravan master who encountered a group of afflicted wanderers:
"They spoke of other planes, of worlds within worlds, and cages within cages. Their eyes shone with a light that seemed to pierce through the veil of our reality. I dared not listen too closely, for fear their words might infect my own mind."
Perhaps most perplexing are the accounts of those obsessed with the number eight. Safiya, a scribe who documented several cases of the Shimmering Sickness, writes:
"I once encountered a group of the shimmer-touched deep in the dunes. They had fashioned an entire camp of octagons and eight-pointed stars. Everything was in eights - eight tents, eight fires, eight water skins. One man scribbled stories on eights scrolls apparently inspired by the eight divines, and another man did nothing but draw squares within squares, connecting their vertices with intricate lines. When I asked about it, he simply said, 'The spheres demand it.' I left quickly after that."

Strange Compulsions and Discoveries

A peculiar symptom of the Shimmering Sickness is the overwhelming compulsion some afflicted feel to travel to specific locations. Many are drawn inexorably towards Namor City, while others feel pulled in the opposite direction, vanishing into the depths of the desert never to be seen again. This phenomenon led to a significant discovery, as recounted in the Thenn Expedition Journals:
"Our expedition to find the ruins of Sarnath was guided by a man deep in the throes of the Shimmering Sickness. He moved through the desert as if possessed, leading us unerringly to the buried city. While we pressed on, he remained behind with a handful of our archaeologists. Months later, we received word that they had uncovered the legendary Orb of Anancia in a dust-choked temple vault. Was this mere coincidence, or do the shimmer-touched truly see paths hidden to the rest of us?"

The Price of Insight

The Shimmering Sickness exacts a terrible toll on its victims. Many are driven to suicide, claiming to have witnessed horrors from realms beyond our own. Some tear out their own eyes, yet retain an uncanny ability to navigate even in complete darkness. Others fall victim to their obsessions or madness, succumbing to thirst or hunger in their single-minded pursuits.   For those who manage to stave off the worst of the madness, or who are cared for by others during their lucid moments, an unnaturally long life awaits. However, this longevity is a double-edged sword, for while the body remains relatively unchanged, the mind continues to deteriorate. This creates a horrifying spectacle for caretakers and loved ones, who must watch as the afflicted descend further into madness and terror with each passing year.

Rumours from Distant Lands

Recent reports from Namorian envoys to Orynthia have sparked intriguing speculation among scholars of the Shimmering Sickness. Though details remain scarce, there are hushed whispers of similar afflictions observed in the depths of Arshadom in Set and the remote reaches of the Zafarid Sands. These accounts speak of individuals exhibiting familiar symptoms: shimmering skin, extended lifespans, and cryptic visions
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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Aug 21, 2024 17:23 by Stormbril

Well, this is creepy and horrific in all the best ways. The combination of a deteriorating mind plus an unnaturally long life is particularly terrible, that would be a terrible thing to go through D: I'm really fascinated by the disease regardless though, the initial onset and shimmering patches on the skin, the weird visions and hallucinations, and especially the strange compulsions portion. I have many questions about the true nature of the disease and what it's leading to, but it's one of those things where I think the mystery is better left unsolved and remain a strange enigma to ponder over. Although, my favourite number is 8, should I start to worry?   I'm adding this to my reading challenge as well!

Aug 27, 2024 09:56

Hi,   Thank you for your time and the comments. I found I got into this article - I hadn't thought about something complex before the prompts, but the idea of a disease which extends your life which deteriorating the mind sounded terrifying to me. I then added it to some existing elements of the world and I have something that I can play with on a grander scale now.   The 8 thing is, amongst other things, a nod to the 8 divines in my world, and like yourself a minor personal obsession with the number. It's a recurring motif which reinforces the perspectives of some of the people of Tiburon. Maybe it's a problem, or maybe you have special insight?

Aug 22, 2024 19:59 by Alan Byers

Evocative, in-depth, and with some lovely quote for immersion. A fantastic article.