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Zafarid Sands

The Zafarid Sands are a vast desert region located in the southern part of the continent of Orynthia. This arid and harsh landscape is characterized by its endless sand dunes, rocky plateaus, and scarce oases. It marks the boundary of the known civilized world in Orynthia, as few dare to venture into its unforgiving sands. Despite the challenging living conditions, there are small communities of resilient people, known as the Zafar, who have adapted to the desert environment and call it home.



Inhabitants and Culture

The Zafar people are a hardy and resourceful group who have lived in the Zafarid Sands for generations. They are often seen wearing loose, flowing garments to protect themselves from the sun. They are skilled in desert navigation and often travel on camels. The Zafar are known for their rich oral tradition, including tales of ancient heroes, mythical creatures, and lost cities buried beneath the sands.


The Zafarid Sands spans a large area, sandwiched between the imposing Thrymbarth mountains to the east. The sands extend southward, gradually transitioning into a subtropical peninsula known as the Verdant Cape, which juts out into the Great Ocean. This Cape is separated from the Zafarid Sands by a series of small mountains that capture enough moisture to create lush landscapes in stark contrast to the desert. These western mountains play a crucial role in the desert's formation as they block the moist air from the Great Ocean reaching the region, creating a rain shadow effect.   Within the desert, oases are scarce but incredibly vital for the Zafar people. These natural wellsprings are usually surrounded by small settlements, and the land around them is used for agriculture. Date palms and hardy desert plants are cultivated by the inhabitants.

Fauna & Flora

The Zafarid Sands are not completely devoid of life. Besides the date palms found near oases, there are also cacti and hardy shrubs that can survive with little water. Various species of lizards, scorpions, and desert rodents are commonly found throughout the desert.

Natural Resources

The economy of the Zafarid Sands is primarily based on subsistence agriculture and animal husbandry. The Zafar people also engage in trade with neighbouring regions, often bartering dates, spices, and medicinal plants for goods they cannot produce.


Historical Significance

Ancient ruins scattered throughout the Zafarid Sands hint at a long-lost civilization that once thrived in the region. The Zafar people believe these ruins to be remnants of an ancient kingdom, consumed by the sands due to the wrath of the gods. The Zafarid Sands have thus become a place of both historical interest and superstitious awe.  

Legends and Myths

Among the Zafar, legends abound regarding the “City of Golden Sands”, an ancient city said to be hidden somewhere within the Zafarid Sands. It is said to have been a place of unimaginable wealth and knowledge, which disappeared overnight.
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Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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