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Arshadom, also known as "Land of the Mountain Children," is an expansive region located in the eastern fringes of Set, bordering the Thrymbarth and the Kingdom of Bhiren of Bhiren. The Arshad people, known for their hardiness, mountaineering prowess, and metalworking skills, inhabit this area. Arshadom boasts a rich culture, dramatic landscapes, and a distinct ecosystem.


Arshadom primarily consists of rugged foothills and towering mountain ranges that gradually soften into rolling hills and valleys as one moves westward. The region is rich in mineral resources, primarily concentrated within the mountains. Numerous streams and rivulets, originating from the Thrymbarth Mountains, crisscross the terrain, providing essential water sources for both human settlements and local wildlife.


The landscape of Arshadom is dominated by deciduous forests, with species such as oak, beech, and birch prevalent in lower altitudes, transitioning into coniferous forests of pine and spruce in higher regions. The undergrowth is lush and varied, consisting of ferns, mosses, and numerous medicinal herbs. Animal life in Arshadom is rich and varied, with mountain goats, deer, and various bird species being common. Predators like mountain lions and bears also inhabit the region, and the streams are teeming with fish.

Ecosystem Cycles

The ecosystem of Arshadom experiences noticeable changes in line with the seasons. During spring, wildflowers bloom throughout the region, attracting a variety of insects and birds. In summer, the region's fauna becomes more active, with many species breeding during this period. Autumn brings a transformation of colours as deciduous trees prepare for winter, and animal activity decreases as species either migrate, hibernate, or adapt for the colder months.


The climate in Arshadom is characterized by hot, dry summers and cold, snowy winters. The temperature varies significantly between the valleys and the mountainous regions. Spring and autumn are relatively mild, with moderate rainfall. The region experiences occasional heavy snowfall during winter, making certain parts of Arshadom inaccessible.

Fauna & Flora


  • Deciduous Trees - Oak, Beech, Birch (predominant in lower altitudes)
  • Coniferous Trees -Pine, Spruce (predominant in higher altitudes)
  • Undergrowth - Ferns, Mosses, and a variety of medicinal herbs such as Cheel, Golden Seal, and Heart's Tongue.
  • Wildflowers - A diverse range of wildflowers such as Mountain Bells, Lunar Orchids, and Crimson Firebloom, which bloom primarily during the spring season.


  • Mammals - Mountain Goats, Deer, Mountain Lions, and Bears.
  • Birds - Hawks, Falcons, and a variety of songbirds including the Azure Bunting and the Ruby-crested Lark.
  • Aquatic Life - Numerous species of fish populate the streams of Arshadom, including Trout, Silverpike, and the rare Starry Minnow

Natural Resources

  • Mineral Resources - Iron, Copper, and small deposits of Gold and Silver are found within the mountains of Arshadom. Precious and semi-precious stones such as Emerald, Sapphire, and the unique Orynthian Crystals are also present.
  • Wood - The dense forests provide a substantial amount of timber, utilized both locally and traded with neighbouring regions.
  • Water Resources - The numerous mountain streams offer fresh water and also sustain a small fishing industry.
  • Medicinal Herbs - The undergrowth of Arshadom's forests is rich in medicinal herbs, which are utilized in traditional healing practices and are also a valuable trade commodity.


Arshadom's history is as rugged and enduring as its people and their mountainous home. While records of its earliest days are few and largely speculative, a rich oral tradition passed down through generations has helped piece together the region's past.

Ancient Era (Pre-2000 BRE)

Arshadom, in this epoch, was a land inhabited by disparate tribes, each governing their own territory within the mountain range. They shared a common belief in the sanctity of nature and their ancestors. The people lived primarily by hunting, foraging, and early forms of farming.

The Dimming

The time of the "Shaded Sun" or "Dusk Years," as the Arshad people call it, was a period of dramatic climate change. With the sun dimming and the climate cooling, there was a great shift in the flora and fauna of Arshadom. Many animals migrated to warmer regions, and crops failed. The tribes, faced with scarcity, were forced to adapt or perish. They turned towards mining and metallurgy, using the bountiful natural resources of their mountain homes to trade with lowland civilizations in exchange for food and other essentials.

The Age of Unity (~1480-1000 BRE)

The aftermath of the Dusk Years saw the disparate tribes of Arshadom start to form alliances for mutual benefit. Trade networks were established, and intermarriage between tribes became common. This period, also known as the "Mountain Pact Era," was marked by relative peace, prosperity, and cultural exchange.

The Era of Strife (1000-500 BRE)

After centuries of unity, tensions started to flare over control of rich mineral veins and trade routes. The Age of Strife, as it was later known, saw numerous conflicts between the tribes. However, these struggles also led to advancements in martial skills and defensive architecture.

The Ascendancy (500-80 BRE)

The constant battles eventually led to the rise of a powerful tribe, the Serhatt, who managed to assert dominance over the region. They consolidated the tribes under a single banner, effectively establishing the precursor to the modern understanding of Arshadom. This era, known as the Ascendancy, was marked by increased stability and the creation of the Shrine of Serhatt, an enduring symbol of their unity and strength.

The Decline (80-30 BRE)

A sudden exhaustion of the rich veins that had brought prosperity to Arshadom marked the beginning of the end of the Serhatt Ascendancy. This depletion, combined with increasing internal strife and a series of poor harvests, severely weakened the unity and prosperity the Serhatt had built. The Serhatt's influence waned, and the tribes of Arshadom began to bicker and squabble over the remaining resources. The prosperous and united Arshadom was becoming a distant memory.

The Annexation (30-7 BRE)

Sensing the weakening of Arshadom, the burgeoning Kingdom of Set launched an expedition into the region. Initially, their claims were trade-related, promising to restore prosperity through their extensive network. However, as the Kingdom of Set's agents gained a foothold, they began to manipulate the internal rivalries and feuds to their advantage, gradually taking control over key territories. By 1 BRE, the Kingdom of Set had effectively annexed Arshadom.

The Arshad Rebellion (7 BRE-2 RE)

The annexation, however, was not without resistance. A charismatic Arshad leader, Valant Serhatt, instigated an uprising against Set's rule in the early days of the Era of Rebirth (RE). This rebellion, though passionate and fierce, was not sufficient to break Set's grip. The uprising was brutally suppressed by the Kingdom's forces. Valant was captured and executed in 8 RE, effectively ending the rebellion.

The Era of Submission (2-180 RE)

Following the quelled rebellion, Arshadom entered an era of enforced peace, known by the locals as the "Era of the Stilled Spear." During this time, the Kingdom of Set imposed heavy taxes on the Arshad people and enacted laws restricting their traditional practices and autonomy. Despite these constraints, the Arshad people managed to retain much of their cultural identity and practices, albeit in more subtle and private ways.

The Bronze Revival (180-250 RE)

A significant shift came about when new mineral veins, this time rich in copper and tin, were discovered in Arshadom. This launched the "Bronze Revival," leading to a resurgence in the region's economy. Trade with the Kingdom of Set increased, and for the first time in centuries, Arshadom saw a period of prosperity under Set's rule.

The Slight Easing (250-345 RE)

The Bronze Revival's prosperity led to a slight easing of Set's stringent control over Arshadom. The taxes were slightly reduced, and some of the restrictions on their traditional practices were lifted. The Kingdom of Set started to acknowledge the cultural uniqueness of Arshadom and granted them a degree of autonomy, as long as they continued their tribute and stayed loyal. The region has since existed in a delicate balance, part of the Kingdom of Set but always distinctly Arshad.
Rolling Hills
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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