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Set is a geographically diverse region located on the western coast of the continent of Orynthia. Bordered by the Thrymbarth mountains to the east, Theron to the north, the Zafarid Sands to the south, and the Great Ocean to the west, Set's distinct climate and topography have shaped its culture, society, and economy. The Kingdom of Set, which rules over the region, has its capital city in Galt, with Altrissen and Cademor being other notable cities.  

Notable Locations

  • Galt - The capital city of Set, it is a bustling hub of culture and tradition. Galt is built upon a hill, which offers impressive views of the surrounding plains and a strategic vantage point against potential invaders. With majestic palaces and temples adorning the highest regions, the city showcases a vivid depiction of Set's stratified society.
  • Cademor - This city, born out of a treaty with the Namorian Republic, is a significant trade centre within Set. As a self-governing city, Cademor's architecture, lifestyle, and customs exhibit a blend of Set and Namorian influences, making it a melting pot of cultures.
  • Altrissen - Located on the coast, Altrissen is a thriving port city. Its bustling docks are always teeming with sailors and merchants, and the city is known for its lively markets where a wide range of goods, including exotic species of fish and unique marine products, can be purchased.
  • Yaldiz Peak - Beyond Arshadom in the east, Yaldiz Peak is the highest peak of the Thrymbarth mountain range in Set, and a sight to behold. Its snow-capped summit is visible from miles around.
  • Shrine of Serhatt - The Shrine of Serhatt is located on a mountaintop in the Arshadom. It's a sacred site that houses gigantic stone statues of ancient kings, gods, and mythical creatures. The site is believed to have been created by a long-forgotten monarch who wanted to establish a liaison between the mortal and divine worlds. The shrine is a popular destination for pilgrims and tourists alike.
  • Zafara's Cradle - A vast, arid wilderness in the southeastern region of Set before it reaches the Zafarid Sands proper. These wilds are known for their unique flora and fauna, including a variety of desert-adapted species.
  • The Crescent Lake - Named for its distinct crescent shape, this lake is situated within the valley of two adjacent hills. It's a natural reservoir fed by melting snow from the Thrymbarth mountains, and it is surrounded by lush greenery, making it a scenic spot that stands in stark contrast to the arid surroundings.
  • The Seven Tiers of Keramet - This series of terraced gardens cascades down the side of a hill in the city of Keramet. The Seven Tiers are a marvel of botany and landscaping, irrigated by a clever system of aqueducts and canals. Each tier is dedicated to a different type of plant, ranging from practical, edible species to exotic, ornamental flowers.


The geography of Set is characterized by a unique blend of foothills, rolling plains, and forests. The western coastline boasts beautiful beaches, while the eastern border is marked by the imposing Thrymbarth mountains. Set's cities are typically located on higher ground due to the yearly inundation caused by glacial meltwater from the mountains. This city planning method provides defensive advantages, access to the river, and segregation based on social class.   The region experiences an arid climate, with cooler coastal areas and drier conditions inland. The landscape is dotted with rivers that flow from the mountains, creating spectacular high cliffs and valleys. Despite its predominantly arid climate, Set benefits from an annual inundation, which plays a crucial role in sustaining the land and supporting agriculture.


Set hosts a diverse ecosystem shaped by its geographical features and climatic conditions.
  • The coastal areas are rich in marine life, with an abundance of fish and other aquatic species.
  • The plains and foothills are home to a variety of flora and fauna, including wild grasses, shrubs, small mammals, and birds. Forests, though not abundant, provide habitats for larger mammals and diverse plant species.
  • The Thrymbarth mountains contribute to the ecosystem by providing a home to various high-altitude plants and animals. The mountains also contain rare deposits of precious metals and gems that occasionally attract immigrants.
  • Artificial reservoirs and natural lakes scattered throughout Set add to its biodiversity, serving as habitats for various amphibians and birds, and contributing to the region's scenic beauty.

Ecosystem Cycles

The annual inundation from the Thrymbarth mountains plays a significant role in Set's ecosystem. This influx of water enriches the soil, supports the growth of various plant species, and promotes the flourishing of animal life. During this period, the region sees a burst of life and activity, making it a critical time for farming and hunting.   In contrast, the arid seasons in Set are marked by the resilience of life adapted to survive harsh conditions. Certain plant species can lie dormant during the dry periods, waiting for the waters to return, while many animals migrate towards the rivers and reservoirs. These cycles of life and death, abundance and scarcity, underpin the entire ecosystem in Set, driving evolution and diversity.

Localized Phenomena

One of the unique phenomena observed in Set is the annual inundation caused by the glacial meltwater from the Thrymbarth mountains. This event significantly transforms the otherwise arid landscape into fertile plains, providing an essential source of irrigation for the local agriculture. This periodic flooding has been so integral to Set's culture and economy that it's often celebrated through rituals and festivals.   In addition to the annual inundation, Set also experiences a unique meteorological event known as the "Dust Whirls." These are whirlwinds that pick up loose dust and sand from the dry areas, creating spectacular, albeit sometimes disruptive, displays across the plains.


Set's climate can be described as a Mediterranean-influenced semi-arid climate. It is characterized by warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. The western coastal areas tend to be cooler due to the influence of the Great Ocean, while the inland areas, particularly towards the east, experience more arid conditions.   Annual precipitation is relatively low, and the majority of it comes during the winter months. The region's weather is heavily influenced by the Thrymbarth mountains, which create a rain shadow effect, contributing to the arid conditions in the inland areas.

Fauna & Flora

The flora of Set varies greatly depending on the geography and climatic conditions. In the arid plains and foothills, vegetation is typically sparse, with drought-resistant shrubs, grasses, and a variety of herbaceous plants. The forests, though not extensive, consist mainly of deciduous trees, with a diverse understory of shrubs and ferns. The fauna of Set is as diverse as its flora. Small mammals, such as hares and rodents, along with a variety of bird species, are common in the plains. The forests are home to larger mammals like deer, boars, and occasionally wolves. The mountains host high-altitude adapted wildlife, such as mountain goats and birds of prey.   In the coastal areas, marine life is rich, supporting a thriving fishing industry. Various species of fish, shellfish, and marine mammals are found in the waters of the Great Ocean.

Natural Resources

Despite its arid climate and scarcity of fertile land, Set does possess some notable natural resources. The Thrymbarth mountains are known to contain deposits of precious metals and gems, with sporadic discoveries of gold leading to occasional waves of immigration.   Set's rivers are a key resource, providing freshwater for irrigation, drinking, and supporting a variety of fish species. These rivers have also played a vital role in transportation and trade within the region.   Furthermore, Set's forests offer timber for construction, firewood, and a range of medicinal plants. The coastal areas provide abundant seafood and opportunities for salt harvesting. Despite its environmental constraints, the resourcefulness of the inhabitants has allowed them to utilize the region's natural resources effectively.
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The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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