Nyl Thalas Building / Landmark in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Nyl Thalas

Home to King Vafaren and Queen Enyra Embercloud and the main temple to Nerilee, Nyl Thalas is a beacon of hope for the Northern Elven Kingdom. It also houses one of the greatest libraries in existence, called the Library of Eternities. The library contains historical knowledge extending back to the Era of Primordials and beyond, and has the most extensive historical documentation of anywhere within Timeuria.

Purpose / Function

Serving as the Capital and Throne of the Northern Elven Kingdom, Nyl Thalas is the most heavily reinforced and guarded city among the remaining elven cities in the northern kingdom. It also is one of a few meeting places for all diplomatic endeavors within the elven kingdoms. In case of emergencies it is a refuge for the last remaining cities in the Elven kingdom as well, ensuring safety to all elves who are in danger.


The buildings within Nyl Thalas are beautiful and elegant, mimicing the surrounding nature. They tend to climb the edges of the trees, careful not to touch any roots or the trunks of the trees. They can be as tall as 100 feet, but are more narrow than homes in a typical human city. The colors of the buildings mimic those found in nature, the most gorgeous shades of greens, yellows, and blues you have ever laid eyes on. This ensures that the city elevates the appearance of the forest rather than detracting from it.


The mist that surrounds Nyl Thalas is its first line of defense. It is a natural manifestation of magic from the tree in the center of the city. This provides an illusory cover around the city that warps the senses of those wandering through the woods and guides them away from the city without their knowledge. The next step in defending the Capital are patrols of elves that scour the surrounding lands from the tree tops. There are also armed guards stationed at every entrance of the massive city walls that surround Nyl Thalas. Finally there is a large force of warriors, wizards and beasts at the ready to defend against any invasion force. Only elves of pure heart and intentions are able to find the walls of Nyl Thalas safely.


Nyl Thalas was created near the beginning of the Era of Balance, long before humans and other races migrated to the continent. It was the foundation of the Northern Elven Kingdom, located within an enchanted forest. The central tree, known as the Primeval Tree, was believed to have grown from the body of a dead primordial God from Era of Primordials which is what gave it it's magical properties.   The elves began to thrive within this new nation and spread out across its lands finding other sources of powerful magic and natural defenses to live near, this included the city of Illalona among others. As time went on other races began to dot the landscape and eventually the nation of Stoze was born. At first they got along with the Elven kingdom but all good things must come to an end.   The Realmswar delivered a massive blow to the Northern Elven Kingdom as well as the others. The elves, being one of the oldest and most powerful civilizations pledged allegiance to the good forces of the pantheon to fight back against the betrayers. They went to war against their armies and the death tolls were massive. Eventually they prevailed, but not without the loss of many cities and the lives of countless elves. To add insult to injury, after the Realmswar Queen Vanesa Ravenswood I of Stoze decided to seize the undfended territories of the Kingdom for herself and converted them. This left a bitterness within the relations between Stoze and the Elven Kingdoms that would last for over half a millennia.
Founding Date
3728 BE
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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