Zefari Building / Landmark in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Purpose / Function

The original purpose of Zefari was to establish a wider base for the Northern Elven Kingdom and expand their knowledge of the magic that guides and shapes the world around them. They chose the location based on knowledge and reports that ancient magic had formed a wellspring within the river dividing the land mass. This enhanced their information on the arcane nature of the material plane.   It now serves as a seat for Countess Valaena Embercloud, the eldest daughter of Vafaren and Enyra.


The landscape nearby shapes the aesthetic of Zefari, many of the buildings appear to be large rocks or trees at first glance, but as you stare deeper you begin to notice hidden windows and doors covered with magical illusions and/or physical covers to avoid detection. The city is fairly spread out amongst the forest and river to blend in more naturally to the environment. If you weren't sure that a city existed here, you would never find it.


The city sits in between the two major rivers in Ustya, hidden within the forest. Only a handful of people outside of the elves even know of its existence which means defending it is relatively easy. It does have magical enchantments that help to hide it from outside eyes, even leading those who get too close ever so slightly off course so they pass through without discovering it. A small yet elite force of elves guards the city and the College provides the city with many of the Northern Elven Kingdoms strongest mages. An attack on the elves within their land would grant them a massive advantage and would result in all but the largest armies downfall.


The settlement first began in a dense forest with a large river through the center of it. The wellspring of magical energy that was uncovered in the river produced untold magic that fueled the city. It empowered their city and its citizens, allowing them to cast spells and tap into abilities they were previously unaware of. They eventually established a college of magic in Zefari for elves that were magically inclined to study their craft.   As time went on human civilizations began to migrate and form around them, including the town known as Hillford(named after the Hillford family), and Black Hills which was the mining town they established. The tunnels within the mine began to stretch out and unknowingly eventually reached a magical ore that was directly below the wellspring and was imbued with its powers over thousands of years. This brought attention to the area as they began to excavate the entire section of the mine directly adjacent to it. The elves were forced to become more reclusive at this point for fear of what the humans would do if they found their civilization built on this magical wellspring.   They began to weave enchantments around their city that would ward against intruders and misguide them slightly so they wouldnt discover the wellspring or Zefari. To this day it remains only a legend in the whispers of men.
Founding Date
3890 BE
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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