
Once he left, Leo lifted his head, speaking in English once more. “We should get out of here as soon as we can.”

“Why should we?” Raph growled, his expression more hurt than angry. “Tou-san has been lying to us. Why did he lie about Yoshi-san’s death? Why did he lie about this place? Why couldn’t we have lived here?”

“I don’t know,” Leo shook his head. “But Tou-san wouldn’t lie to us. He’s Tou-san!”

“Leo!” Raph cried. “I get you don’t want to think that Tou-san would lie, but he fucking did! The amulet is proof enough! He’s been coming here, and has never told us! Even though we could’ve fit right in! He could’ve told us yokai are real!”

“We don’t fit in here either, though,” Donnie said quietly. “Kappa are turtle demons that have a sara on top of their heads; a dish that holds the water from the river they were born in. We don’t have a dish. We might be able to pass as kappa, but we’re not. Maybe Tou-san just… Didn’t want us dealing with rejection in two worlds.”

“But we could walk around okay until we talked about the Hamatos,” Mikey offered. “We didn’t have to go into the sewers or keep on the rooftops. No one called us monsters.”

“They still attacked us, Mikey,” Leo sighed.

Mikey frowned at his defeated looking brothers and set his teacup down, jumping up to his feet. “Isn’t it cool, though?!” He asked, lifting his arms into the air with a grin. “A whole world of yokai! It’s just like in Tou-chan’s stories! We can still enjoy ourselves, Usagi-san said he’d get us clothes to blend in with, and new weapons!”

“Yeah,” Raph nodded, standing up with him. “Yeah, we’re gonna get new weapons and look around this place. We don’t need Oyaji to tell us about this shit, we’ll figure it out ourselves.”

“Usagi-san did say he’d answer our questions,” Donnie offered.

Leo didn’t reply, brow furrowed together still. He sipped his tea, breathing in the smell.


Usagi takes the boys to his home so they can explain themselves, and in turn he tells them about the Yokai Realm. The turtles begin to feel a little weird about the fact Splinter had hidden this place from them, but are distracted by Usagi taking them to get their weapons replaced.   They each get a Yokai Weapon, a weapon bound to their souls that was handcrafted with yokai magic, with inherent mystic abilities. They thank Usagi for his help and kindness as he guides them back home to the portal. When they go to return the Amulet Key to splinter's shelf, the find a shrine to an unknown woman inside, making them question if their father is who he says he is.
July 21st, 2022
Chapter Number
Amevello Blue
Read Here

Season 1


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