Casey Jones

The turtles snuck in cautiously, finally spotting the figure hanging by their ankles from a rope in the trees. Below the figure, a couple mousers were attempting to jump and chomp the person’s long black hair. The figure had already smashed a few of them with the hockey stick they swung in one hand, but these last few had gotten smarter and had learned how to dodge.

The four turtles settled onto the branches to watch the human, curiosity getting the best of them. They were tall, wearing some sort of large coat that had a high collar and jeans. Their shoes were worn-out converse that barely had any track left on them.

“What’s wrong with their face?” Mikey whispered, leaning over to Donnie.

“It’s a hockey mask, Mikey,” Donnie replied.

It was well-worn, the hockey mask, with scratches and scrapes and dirt smudges.

“Should we get them down?” Mikey asked.

“I don’t know, this is pretty funny,” Raph snickered.

“Get the mousers,” Leo instructed. “We still need to handle them.”

“He’ll see us,” Donnie pointed out.

“Any other ideas on how to get rid of the mousers?” Leo raised a brow and waited for an answer, but Donnie merely chewed the end of his mask. “Alright. Mousers.”

Raph didn’t need to be told twice. He threw his sai, spearing one of the bots through the head. The human yelped, going still and staring at the weapon in alarm.

“What the hell?” He asked, looking up towards the trees just in time to see the four turtles jump down. “HOLY SHIT! OH MY GOD! WHAT?!”

“Stop screaming!” Raph barked as he retrieved his sai and smashed another mouser.

“W-what are you?!” The human shouted.

“Hallucinations caused by the rush of too much blood to your brain,” Donnie supplied helpfully. “Don’t mind us!”

“You said that last time!” Mikey pouted.


Leonardo is being distant with Splinter after their recent discovery, and it's brining the mood down, and Donnie is stressed as Mousers keep coming into the forest, damaging things and stealing their stuff. A distraction comes in the form of one of their traps going off, so they go to investigate.   Turns out the thing caught in the trap was a hockey-mask wearing human that was being chased by the mousers and got caught in the trap. April was thankfully also in the forest to clarify that the person trapped was just a kid from her school named Casey Jones, and that they aren't a threat... probably.   The turtles help Casey down and explain what the mousers are and what they've been doing. Casey gets furious at the idea of some asshole using robots to attack and steal from little guys, and encourages the group to go after the mousers and get their stuff back.
July 22nd, 2022
Chapter Number
No Art
Read Here

Season 1


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