Into the Yokai-verse

A brilliant pink sky with golden clouds swirling in impossible patterns stretched before them. The yellow leaves of the trees lit up in the sunset-like light, contrasting against the purplish mountains in the distance. Before all of that, though, was the colorful city that sprawled before them.

There were people walking along the large cobble pathway.

They weren’t human.

Creatures of all shapes and sizes walked, flew, slithered along just like humans did in the city. They chatted and entered and exited buildings, carrying bags or backpacks.

“Yokai,” Leo breathed, recognizing a few of the creatures from Splinter’s stories of Japanese myths.

“Th-this is impossible,” Donnie choked out. “The sky is pink!”

“There’s a turtle!” Mikey gasped. “Look!”

They all spotted the turtle at the same time. It had a shell and plastron, and walked upright on two legs. Its fingers and feet were webbed, beak tinged a paler yellow-green. On top of its head was a metal lid held on with a leather strap.

“They look like us,” Leo whispered.

“Let’s go,” Raph surged forward suddenly, pushing the door open and causing his brothers to lose balance and land on top of one another.


While goofing off an rough housing in the cabin, the boys accidently knock over a strange Amulet from a shelf in Splinter's room. Recognizing the pattern on it to be the same as the rocks surrounding a near by lake, the four of them take the amulet there. It turns out the amulet is a key to opening a portal in the lake, which takes them to the Yokai Realm.   In this world, monsters known as Yokai roam around in their own cities. But as soon as they enter the city, they are ganged up on by several onis wishing to steal their amulet key. They attempt to fight them but end up breaking their fragile wooden weapons. They are miraculously saved by a young rabbit Samurai named Usagi.
July 20th, 2022
Chapter Number
IbbyWondrous & Amevello Blue
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Season 1


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