
The sound of shattering glass stopped them all in their tracks, frozen and rooted to the spot, all silent and still. Their heads turned almost in unison as laughter came up from the street, followed by the sound of more glass being knocked away.

Leo crouched down, carefully making his way to the edge of the building, motioning for his brothers to stay. He peeked over the edge, and his brothers immediately moved to join him, much to his annoyance.

On the small street below, a group of seven people had broken the glass window into an electronics shop. Several climbed inside and began passing objects through the window, which were then tossed into the back of a van they had held.

“Hey, guys, that’s a crime,” Leo whispered.

“Hey April, breaking open windows and taking things from inside is a crime, right?” Donnie asked the phone.

“Uh, yeah. I’ll call the cops, don’t do anything–”

Leo and Raph were already going after the thieves.

“That will be a problem,” Donnie said. “Raph and Leo just jumped.”

“They what now?”

“Not the greatest tactical decision from our dearest aniki, I have to say.”


The turtles travel to NYC to investigate Stockgen and why it's Mousers attacked their home. They don disquises in the form of oversized hoodies, but while snooping through the alley's encounter a group of Purple Dragons breaking into a store. Leonardo jumps into action, followed by everyone else, and they get into a fight with the crooks.   The fight doesn't end well, being their first fight with real people, with real weapons and it gets worse when their hoods come down and reveal them for the mutants they are; causing the Purple Dragons to run in terror. The turtles slump home, injured and with no answers, but someone has captured them on camera.
July 18th, 2022
Chapter Number
Read Here

Season 1


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