Lindsey Baker

Lindsey Marie Baker (a.k.a. Linds, Lin, Lindy)

Lindsey Baker is a scientist who works as an assistant for the famous Baxter Stockman.

Physical Description

Body Features

Lindsey is an South Asian woman of average proportions. She has dark skin and black hair that is cut in a straight bob.

Apparel & Accessories

She dresses plainly whenever she's of work, usually in comfortable sweaters, slacks and sneakers. She'll usually throw on a lab coat over whatever she had in her closet before she goes to work, not much caring if she dresses in work formal or not.   She also wears a part of glasses due to being near sighted.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lindsey was born from immigrants from the Philippines who moved to New York before she was born. She was always encouraged to do well in school and work hard to successful, and her major interest was biology and medical science. She went to university majoring in biochemistry and ecology, where she got her doctorate. She then hopped around different research labs in the city until she gained a good enough reputation to be hired by Baxter Stockman, a dream job of hers.   Stockman saw a lot of potential in Lindsey. She had a work ethic unlike any one he'd had yet, and soon promoted her to head assistant researcher. Lindsey took this role very seriously and would do anything Stockman asked of her, no matter how dubious. Eventually he would reveal to Lindsey, and Lindsey alone the purpose behind their strange research, his mutation, which had not only warped his body but was making him sick and taking a toll on his mind. He told Lindsey that their research into his affliction could save countless lives, encouraging her further dedication to the research from that point on.   Lindsey would go on to do several tasks of questionable mortality for Stockman, which included kidnapping and experimenting on many captured mutated animals, and doing further research by testing Mutagen on other creatures. She was also tasked with using the mutagen to create the medicine that would keep Stockman's condition from worsening.   Story Spoilers
One of the first time she questioned her role in Stockman's schemes was when she was tasked with taking samples from and dissecting the recently kidnapped mutant Turtles. It was a procedure she had done many times, but never on something sentient, not on something that cried and pleaded for their life when she pulled out the bone saw and scalpel. They were just children, and she couldn't go through with it, so she staged their escape by intentionally leaving Leo's restraints too lose.   She immediately had to take a weeks leave for her own mental health after the incident, and by the time she returned, she had discovered Stockman in the middle of a new project. He had successfully mutated a baby cockroach into a humanoid. When she ran tests on it, it turned out to behave exactly like a 2 year old toddler. She was thrilled to find that Stockman had made such progress with mutagen, until she found he had other plans with the child. He put the child through cruel training tasks, as he was determined to create more mutants like her and create a super soldier serum with the mutagen.   Lindsey was shocked and appalled by this entirely unethical change in plans, and that's when she turned to the turtles, who she had helped free, to rescue the child. During their escape attempt, Stockman stopped them and tried to attack him, but the child used their mutant ability to rally the other mutants in the facility into a stampede that carried him away.   Once the child -now named Kri- was safe, she opted to take care of them and raise them herself. The boys took her to meet Splinter who tried to give her advice on raising Kri, but his advice consisted of raising her in secret like he did with the boys. Lindsey hated this idea and insisted that Kri needed to have a normal childhood, not be locked away their whole life. She left the cabin in a huff, determined to find a way for Kri to live in society.


Lindsey has an extensive resume, having worked at multiple labs in the city with nothing but praise from her superiors. She then settled working at Stockgen, and worked there for 5 years.

Intellectual Characteristics

Lindsey is a brilliant woman and whose brains have the potential to rival even Baxter Stockman's. She is hardworking and passionate about the things she researches, and has made many ground breaking discoveries in the field of biology in her time.

Morality & Philosophy

At first it seems Lindsey is a pretty morally grey. She's not against the idea of experimenting on living creatures, regardless of how unethical it is, as long as the end goal is for the greater good. However he morality is tested the moment humanoid mutants get involved. She finds she cannot make herself hurt something that is sentient, even if it's not human. She would even risk her career she worked so hard for to save one from a terrible fate.

Personality Characteristics


Lindsey main motive for the work she does is to help people. She wishes to advance medical science to the point that they can cure many of the difficult diseases that plague people. She is also an advocate for high quality, affordable health care for everyone.

Likes & Dislikes

________ Likes Dislikes
Color Pink
Food Junk food, Ramen, Curry with Rice Bread, Yams
Music Alternative, Indie
Activities Going down research rabbit holes, watching trash reality TV, cafe hopping. Clubbing
Book The Isle of Dr. Moreau
Game Sudoku

Virtues & Personality perks

Lindsey is a hard working an intelligent woman. She's dedicated to her job and obedient to a fault. She's compassionate and willing to push herself for the sake of doing something big for humanity. She becomes a go to whenever the Turtles get sick or hurt, as she has experties in both human and animal biology, as well as doing extensive study on mutagen's effects on living creatures.

Vices & Personality flaws

Lindsey tends to be a little anti social and a workaholic. She doesn't have many friends outside of work and spends a lot of her free time isolated in her apartment, watching TV and stuffing her face with unhealthy frozen dinners. She's introverted and will often turn down offers to hang out with people. Her fixation on her work also causes her to lose track of stuff like cleaning the house or her own personal hygiene.


Family Ties

Lindsey was raised to value family by her parents, but she never expressed interest in starting a family of her own. First of all, she's a lesbian, so she wasn't planning on having biological children. Secondly, she was so focused on her career, she assumed a family would only be a distraction.   Kri coming along was a complete fluke, and not a responsibility she was ready to take on, but one she knew she had to. She still finds herself reluctant to use terms like 'mother' or 'parent' in regard to Kri, but still takes on a caregiver role for them and cares for them as if they were her own flesh and blood.


Lindsey is a pretty mild mannered nerdy women. She speaks quietly with not of energy in her voice, except when you get her laughing, where you'll here the rare snort-cackle. She prefers not to be the center of attention so she'll stay quietly in the background whenever possible. She does have a tendency to come of as cold due to her tone of voice and RBF, so she's not the most approachable person in the world.




Towards Lindsey Baker


Lindsey Baker


Towards Kri



Lindsey was working as Stockman's assistant when Kri was created, and she was assigned with doing cognitive exams on them. It was during these tests that she noticed Kri behaved like a young child, one that was actually very curious about her as well. Kri would start trying to communicate with Lindsey, inviting her to play, and drawing pictures of her. This eventually endeared Lindsey to the creature. She even was the one to give them the name 'Kri' based on the cooing sounds they would make.   When Stockman's tests became more abusive and cruel to Kri, Lindsey made the difficult decision to give up her career to save this child from the hell Stockman would surely put it through. With the help of the turtles, she broke Kri out of Stockgen and took them home.

Relationship Reasoning

Lindsey never had any intention of being a mother, but she realized she was the only one who could intervene with the abuse Kri was suffering. Admittedly, she feels in over her head with the whole parenting thing, but she loves Kri and wants to do right by them.   Lindsey only wants what's best for Kri, which involves them being able to live a normal child life, rather than being cooped up and hidden away forever, but it is difficult when the public opinion of mutants is that they are monsters.

Lindsey Baker


Towards Baxter Stockman


Baxter Stockman


Towards Lindsey Baker



Lindsey has always looked up to Baxter Stockman and the work he does, so she was thrilled when she got a job at Stockgen and could work with him directly. She eventually impressed him enough to be promoted to his lead assistant researcher, where he revealed his mutated condition to her to convince her to work on his more dubious projects.

Relationship Reasoning

Initially it seems like Lindsey and Stockman are really close, as Baxter will not reveal his mutation to anyone he doesn't completely trust. But in reality, Baxter uses his condition to manipulate Lindsey, and does not give her the same respect she gives him. Frequently Stockman will 'forget' to refer to Lindsey as Dr. Baker, and will often take credit for her achievements in the media. At the end of the day, Stockman sees Lindsey as a tool that is easily replicable.

Year of Birth
1993 29 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan Brown
Known Languages



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