The Hamato Clan

The plane was squashed and full of the scent of humans. Their instincts screamed danger at them. There were no exits here, nowhere to hide if something went wrong. They were vulnerable, exposed, completely at the mercy of these humans around them.

The humans didn’t even know.

“Their first time flying?” An elderly woman asked Splinter, glancing at Leo and his brothers. Leo stared at her, freezing. Why was she talking to them?

What did she want? Was she onto them?

“Yes,” Splinter murmured, shocking Leo even further for responding. “They are not used to such trips.”

“What’s got you going to Tokyo?” The woman asked. “I’m going to visit my granddaughter, she’s been teaching English there for two years.”

“We are going to visit my family,” Splinter explained. “My boys have never met them, and it has been a long time since I have visited.”

“Oh, that’s good!” The woman chuckled pleasantly. “It’s always good to know your family.”

“Tou-san,” Leo said under his breath, urgently. How much information was he going to give to this random stranger?!

“It’s alright, Leonardo,” Splinter reassured him, placing his hand over Leo’s. “We are just having small talk. Nothing to be worried about.”

Leo wasn’t sure about that, but Splinter kept chatting to the lady anyway.


Splinter takes the boys to Japan to meet with his family for the first time in decades, in order to get help with The Shredder. The boys are shaken to realize this whole time they've had aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins they never knew. Human family. They hae to where their cloaking brooches to hide their mutation from them.
October 9th
Chapter Number
The Message
The Duel
Read Here

Season 2


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