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The Dawning

"In Toh'ren, it is known..."   The Seven San'bir, master gods of the Dawnborn, Noonborn and Eveborn, decided to create all the planets and stars in the sky.   Pradê, the oldest and most powerful San had the gift of sight, which allowed him to see even in the darkness. However, the others had no need for sight until now, so Pradê created light, illuminating all of creation.   When the San'bir saw their work in the new light, they decided to live on Toh'ren because it was the most beautiful of all the worlds. Together, they lived in peace for eons on a volcanic island in the middle of the Blue Sea called Alterisle.   During this time, the rest of the Seven San'bir began to add their gifts to the world as well.   Ch had the gift of shape and “being” and spent his time sculpting the hills and mountains, and the animals and gems that lived on and in them.   Lii owned the gift of breath and gave all creatures life and a voice.   had the gift of smell and taste and sprung forests from the ground and filled them with fruits, herbs and flowers. She preached peace and became the goddess of harmony and the harvest.   Sow had the gift of "feeling" and spirit and gifted all creatures with a purpose.   Brê brought forth the gift of love, and filled the world with it, and other intangibles like hope and desire.   Lastly, the youngest San'bir Ça had the gift of observation, but over time, this gift became a burden to him and eventually was too much for him to bear.   In time, Brê got lonely and wanted to create something that could love xer back. So, xe asked to help xer sprout the Tirava from the branches of the trees in the forests near the Glass Desert. Kê agreed to help under the condition that the Tirava would be a peaceful people. Soon this forest was full of Tirava, which is why it is now called the Tirava Forest or Tirava'tira, "forest of the tree people."   The Tirava were (and still are) large creatures, whose heads skimmed the treetops. Wanting to speak to them, Brê asked Lii to give the Tirava a voice, but Lii had only done this for animals, which is why the Tirava speak in single words and short sentences. Brê then requested that the others bestow their gifts on the Tirava, which they did, making the Tirava a species that is powerful, wise and patient.   Ch and Sow saw the success of Brê's creation and - wanting the same thing - decided to create their own race which they called the The Communion.   These beings were created from the rich mud and earth of the Mud Range, and were, by nature, very spiritual. Over time, the Communion didn’t just end up loving Ch and Sow, but worshiping them, something that the San had not seen or felt before. Ch and Sow quickly realized that they enjoyed this kind of attention and that it could be used to their advantage.   For many years, the Seven San'bir, the Tirava and The Communion mingled with each other regularly and were at peace.   Eventually Brê wanted everyone to feel the bond that xe had with the Tirava, so xe gifted "love" to all of Toh'ren, animals and tribes alike. With this gift the other gods saw that there could be more to the world than simply existing, and more to their creations than just being worshiped. Soon after, the San began creating multiple races on Toh'ren, sometimes with each other and sometimes with the Tirava or The Communion.   Lii and Pradê, who had always been close, immediately conceived a daughter. This little girl was the first of the Sanirê (which means "children of the gods") and was celebrated by all on Alterisle.   The child was restless and had little interest in sitting in rooms talking to other gods. Instead she had an eye for adventure, so, when she was old enough, she left on a journey and was gone for years, no one knowing where she was.   also had a child during this time. However, she chose to conceive the child without a partner, and instead cut off her left arm and planted it. From this spot in the ground her son was born, whom she named Linn. Linn was the second born Sanirê and all on Alterisle celebrated.   Around this time, the youngest San'bir, Ça - being alone and never feeling like part of the group with the other San - decided to have his own “son.” He created Temm, - a fully grown man - using sand from the Glass Desert. After observing the others, he found it quite easy to teach himself their gifts and applied them to bring Temm to life. However, his child was not celebrated as Sanirê. This greatly angered Ça and when he mentioned it to the San, they made excuses that Temm was wasn't made from the gods, but from the earth, so was no higher than The Communion. So his anger continued to fester.   Temm was immediately found to be a fair and loving god (he was a god, even if not Sanirê) who was equally just to all races and creatures. He quickly became respected by all on Alterisle, becoming known as The Just God. These aspects were very different from his father, Ça whose anger began to manifest itself as hatred for his own creation.   After many years, the daughter of Lii and Pradê came back to Alterisle, and was with child herself. She would not disclose how she became pregnant, but it was confirmed by all those living in Alterilse that is was not by any of them. Rumors began to spread about whom the other parent could be as Sanirê were not believed to have the power to conceive asexually, or create life from the earth. Most assumed it had to be either a Tirav or someone from the Communion.   Months passed and finally the daughter went into labor. Immediately, there were complications and Lii, who was helping with the birth of her grandchild, realized that something was very different. Births to this point had not been painful for anyone. So she demanded that her daughter tell them how she became pregnant. In the anguish of labor, the daughter divulged that in her travels she had "found Light" and that they had fallen in love and conceived a child.   No one understood what she meant, but just then, in a burst of blinding luminance, the child was born. It was a glowing, screaming girl. Everyone around Alterisle saw the flare of light and new something would be very different about this child.   Upon hearing who the father of the child was, Pradê immediately cursed the daughter and condemned her child to death. Everyone was shocked at Pradê's outburst (an emotion not seen before) and wondered why it affected xem so much.   Lii went to Temm to plead for him to intervene, so he agreed to hear each side's case.   Pradê's argued that light was meant as a gift for all and by allowing the child to live, there would always be favoritism. Though possible, Temm thought that this was too altruistic for Pradê's usual personality and began to wonder what xe might be hiding.   Temm then heard the daughter's case who seemed indifferent to her own fate, but made the case that Pradê had too much power and should not be allowed to condemn a life that xe did not create.   After hearing both sides, Temm sided with the daughter and ruled that she and the child were allowed to live. This is why the child was given the name Tem Nesal, because it means "Temm's Mercy."   However, as recompense, Pradê banished the daughter from Alterisle, separating her from her daughter. It was also forbidden for anyone to speak to the daughter or even speak about her, ever again. From then on, if anyone had the courage to even mention the daughter, they called her She Who Will Not Be Remembered.   After this, Pradê wanted nothing to do with having more children, however Lii still did. So, when Sow came to her with the idea of conceiving Evri and Sioc, Lii gave a special breath to The Twins (different than that which she gave all of the San) and is therefore considered a mother to them as well.   Unfortunately, when Brê gifted "love" to Ça, it mixed poorly with his gift of observation, brought forth the creation of resentment and jealousy. Soon, a darkness began growing in Ça. When his son, Temm saw this darkness and how it affected his father’s selfish decisions, he left with his young son Suuf.   Ça realized that his power of observation allowed him to gain all the gifts of the others and learn more things than anyone else knew. This, along with his feeling that he was always an outsider pushed him to crave more power and more knowledge, while learning how to manipulate others.   Suuf however, missed his grandfather and did not agree with the compassion and equality that his father preached, so he ran away from Tan and back to his grandfather, who had since become The Courting One .   This ability to convince others to do as he pleased earned Ça the name The Courting One, because it was said that if his attention was turned toward someone, they could never escape his evil. To an extent, this was true, and eventually he had an army of influenced "drones" that would fight for him. Under the tutelage of The Courting One, Suuf trained to be an EVENTIDE WARRIOR and eventually became the High General of this army, called the BOUND LEGION.


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